AmeriHealth Eating Disorder Coverage

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AmeriHealth has been a leader in providing affordable, quality health care to people in Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania for almost two decades. Since its establishment in 1995, the network’s membership has increased to more than 265,000.

The line of products comprising AmeriHealth’s portfolio includes:

AmeriHealth’s two lines of products, namely Delaware’s AmeriHealth HMO and AmeriHealth HMO of New Jersey, have been awarded an excellent status from the National Committee for Quality Assurance for passing the rigorous evaluation standards conducted by the organization.

If you want to become a member of AmeriHealth, we can help make the process much easier. All you need to do is pick up the phone and call .

Does AmeriHealth Cover Eating Disorders Rehab Programs?

Yes, AmeriHealth does cover treatment for eating disorders, and this is handled by Magellan Health Services, which manages AmeriHealth’s behavioral health network. This new development gives you a greater choice of providers and more flexibility when looking for behavioral health services.

This behavioral health network consists of the following health care professionals:

Magellan has made significant changes that have greatly improved access for its New Jersey members to mental health treatment, and this access is available for all holders of AmeriHealth Point of Service, HMO and PPO plans.

In the past, Magellan directed people on the Point of Service or HMO plans to a behavioral health care provider appointed by their primary care physician (PCP). Stated another way, a PCP would choose a specific behavioral health care approach (which consists of multiple locations and clinicians), and all AmeriHealth members designated to this PCP would have to follow this approach for their treatment. The problem with this strategy is that members don’t have the ability to access the services of their therapists of choice.

As an answer to this and other issues, Magellan made a change to its guidelines, allowing members to choose any behavioral health provider in the network. Plus, Magellan extended its network in New Jersey and now includes more than eight times the number of practitioners once available. All these changes have been in effect since 2004.

The best way to find a participating behavioral-health provider is to visit Magellan’s website at Another alternative is to speak with one of our representatives at . Magellan can either determine if an approach is available in its network or recommend a therapist. You can then move on to making an appointment, and you don’t have to concern yourself with obtaining a referral for behavioral health services from a PCP.

AmeriHealth’s PPO plan has been providing members with flexibility by allowing them to obtain treatment from any participating therapist in Magellan’s network. Today, the number of contributing approaches has been increased to roughly four times what was available before. The result is that members have much greater leeway when it comes to choosing behavioral health care providers in New Jersey.

Hopefully, these new developments greatly improve the ease with which you can seek behavioral health care. If you have any questions regarding these plans from AmeriHealth, you may visit the website of Magellan Health Services or call our helpline at . Our friendly staff will be glad to answer them for you.

Inpatient Treatment Length AmeriHealth Will Cover (28-30, 60, 90+ Day)

Inpatient care for an eating disorder requires authorization. So before you contact your insurer, make sure you have worked out a treatment plan with the counselor at your preferred treatment center. The two of you will talk discreetly in a private room to discuss matters concerning your eating disorder. Your counselor will suggest a treatment duration that he/she deems sufficient to address your eating disorder, and then you need to have the recommended length of stay approved by AmeriHealth.

If you need help verifying whether your health insurance policy covers your eating disorder treatment, don’t hesitate to call our helpline at . We are available 24/7 to answer your call.

AmeriHealth Coverage for Eating Disorders With Dual Diagnosis

According to the National Institutes of Health, individuals with eating disorders are 50 percent more likely to have a co-occurring drug or alcohol abuse problem compared to 9 percent for the general population. When you enroll in a treatment facility, you will be evaluated to determine the best way to handle your problem. If the staff identifies that you have a substance abuse problem in addition to an eating disorder, both issues will be addressed at the same time.

To augment your chances of achieving total recovery, your treatment may need to include the following:

Recovering from a dual diagnosis is not an easy task, but complete healing is possible. When you are ready to embark on your recovery, please call our helpline at any time of the day or night.

Specialty Eating Disorder Treatments Using AmeriHealth

Although some patients may only require or want traditional therapy at a standard treatment facility, this may not be your case. If you prefer to receive care at an executive or luxury center, you can expect the following upscale services:

If you want to enjoy these and other deluxe services, we can connect you to a range of luxury eating disorder treatment facilities in the country. Please feel free to contact us through our helpline at .

How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For

Many treatment facilities work with clients to come up with a payment plan, which makes treatment more affordable. You can also look into co-financing as another payment option. If you don’t have sufficient health insurance to cover your eating disorder treatment, paying out of pocket is an option. Although this could hurt you financially, spending money on your recovery is not a wasted investment. To know more about the benefits in using Amerihealth for eating disorder treatment, call our helpline today.

Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Programs

Health insurance verification is crucial on the part of health care providers to ensure their rendered services are compensated. As such, they would require you to show your health insurance ID card to see which organization handles your care. To confirm your coverage, they will contact your insurer to find out not only if you are indeed covered but also your amount of coverage. If you have secondary insurance, your physicians will verify it in the same way that your primary insurance is verified.

Before you can confidently say you have found the best treatment program for your eating disorder, be it anorexia or bulimia, you need to understand what an effective treatment involves. The most effective treatment for eating disorders seems to be the combination of psychological counseling or psychotherapy and a focus on nutrition and medication. A unique treatment plan specific to your case should be developed to make the rehab successful. This plan could vary depending on the severity of your eating disorder and your unique needs, problems and strengths.

Some eating disorder patients respond well to outpatient therapy, such as group, individual or family therapy, in conjunction with medical management delivered by health care professionals. For other patients, nutritional counseling, support groups and psychiatric medications under the guidance of expert clinicians work wonders.

If you think verifying your insurance coverage and finding help in treating eating disorder take a lot of hard work, we are here to make the process much easier. Call us today at .