EmblemHealth Eating Disorder Coverage
One of the most destructive conditions a person can be afflicted with is an eating disorder. Not only does an eating disorder wreak havoc on your internal organs, but it also deteriorates your physical appearance and emotional stability. EmblemHealth helps sufferers get on the road to recovery by providing coverage for some or all of the required treatments.
People who suffer from an eating disorder may have anorexia or bulimia. Anorexics are people who have a debilitating fear of gaining weight, which causes them to eat little to no food. Bulimic persons will binge and overeat, and then they’ll resort to extreme measures, such as purging, vigorous exercising or crash dieting, in an attempt to get the food consumed out of their bodies. Often, one person will suffer from both anorexia and bulimia. In fact, according to the Eating Disorders Coalition, anorexia and bulimia affect about 14 million people.
Luckily, health insurance does cover most types of treatments for eating disorders. If you or someone you know struggles with an eating disorder, it is imperative to seek help immediately. Call us today at to discuss treatment options. We’re open 24 hours a day, every day of the week.
Using EmblemHealth for Eating Disorder Treatment
If you or someone you know suffers from anorexia, bulimia or any other type of eating disorder, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible, because these types of disorders are serious and can even lead to life-threatening consequences. You can use your health insurance to cover the cost for some or all of the eating disorder treatments that you’ll receive.
EmblemHealth provides services for people suffering from anorexia and bulimia through ValueOptions. Some types of treatments that are covered in part or entirely by ValueOptions include:
- Nutritional rehabilitation
- Psychosocial intervention
- Family therapy
- Pharmacotherapy
- Self-help programs
Does EmblemHealth Cover Eating Disorders Rehab Programs?
A successful treatment plan for people with eating disorders usually consists of several different methods, including therapy, meetings with nutritionists and medication. The cost of these methods can add up quickly, but if you’re using EmblemHealth health insurance for eating disorder treatment, at least part of the treatment costs will most likely be covered. The exact amount of coverage depends on your specific insurance policy, the severity of the eating disorder and the types of treatments received. Review your policy or call your health insurance company for specific details regarding the extent of your coverage.
Inpatient Treatment Length EmblemHealth Will Cover
Anorexia and bulimia can be treated on either an inpatient or an outpatient basis. Inpatient treatment facilities are ideal for those with severe bulimia or anorexia or for those who require a highly emotionally supportive environment in recovery. Patient living at the facility are provided with round-the-clock care and supervision. As a rule, outpatients are treated during the day and allowed to return home in between treatments. A typical treatment cycle can last 30, 60 or 90 days. In some cases, a longer treatment length may be required to ensure full recovery.
If you would like to receive inpatient treatment and care, you’ll have to contact EmblemHealth directly to obtain approval. Most insurance policies with EmblemHealth don’t cover inpatient treatment. If waiting for approval from your insurance is difficult or impossible, you can call us right away for help finding an affordable inpatient treatment facility for you or your loved one. It’s never too late to get help. You can reach us at at any time to discuss on how to find help in treating eating disorder.
EmblemHealth will provide 100 percent coverage for up to 60 outpatient treatment visits per calendar year when you attend an in-network facility. Additional sessions will have to be paid for out of your own pocket. However, money shouldn’t deter you from seeking treatment. There are ways to get financial assistance for your treatment-related expenses. You can apply for financial aid, take out a loan, set up a payment plan or work with your insurance company to obtain coverage for the treatments you need.
EmblemHealth Coverage for Eating Disorders With Dual Diagnosis
A dual diagnosis involves being affected by both a mental illness, such as an eating disorder, and any form of substance abuse simultaneously. Many people with anorexia or bulimia also suffer from depression, anxiety or drug addiction. According to a study conducted on 2,980 adults, most people with eating disorders have a coexisting anxiety, mood, impulse-control and/or substance abuse disorder.
To successfully overcome an eating disorder, any co-occurring conditions must also be treated at the same time at the same facility. Patients with dual diagnoses usually require lengthier treatment than those who are treated for a single disorder. Whether EmblemHealth will cover the cost of treatment for a person with anorexia and/or bulimia with a dual diagnosis depends on the specific insurance policy. You can contact the insurance company directly for additional information.
Specialty Eating Disorder Treatments Using EmblemHealth
Specialty treatments have been found to be somewhat effective in successfully treating bulimia and anorexia, and they are often overlooked by most medical professionals. A 2011 study on bright light therapy conducted on 24 young girls with anorexia nervosa showed that the group did have improvements in depression; however, no differences in the participants’ body mass indices were noted. Another study where the participants wore heating vests for three hours a day over a period of 21 days was conducted on 21 girls with anorexia nervosa. The treatment proved unsuccessful.
Because of the low success rate of specialty treatments, EmblemHealth will usually not cover them. However, each type of therapy coverage is assessed on a case-by-case basis and depends on your specific insurance policy. Study your policy or call the insurance company to find out what types of specialty treatments may be covered. If you have questions about the different types of specialty treatments, feel free to give us a call at . We could also help you find facilities that offer various types of special treatments.
How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For
If your health insurance doesn’t cover all the treatment that you require, you can usually get government aid or seek other types of financing. You could also ask your insurance company for a single-case agreement, which is a one-time contract between the treatment facility and the insurer. If coverage is denied, ask for the reasons that the insurance company disagrees with the qualified experts in the field or is denying the care that your doctor has recommended.
Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Programs
EmblemHealth insurance makes verifying your coverage simple. You can get treatment for your anorexia or bulimia at any approved outpatient facility within the network by simply visiting the company’s office or giving it a call. Usually, you can begin treatment almost immediately. If you need help deciding which type of treatment is best for you, call us at . We can help you find the best type of treatment and facility within the EmblemHealth network for you or your loved one.