Exclusive Care Eating Disorder Coverage
According to the National Eating Disorders Association, eating disorders can lead to life-threatening medical conditions, and regardless of severity, they can have profound effects on individuals’ psychological, emotional and physical well-being. Over 20 million women and 10 million men have suffered from some kind of eating disorder at one time or another.
Health consequences of eating disorders may include any of the following:
- Dangerously low blood pressure
- Dry hair and skin
- Muscle loss
- Fatigue and overall weakness
- Fainting spells
- Organ failure
Given these very serious consequences, and because an eating disorder is a progressive condition that worsens with time, it is essential for you or your loved one to seek treatment as soon as possible by contacting a qualified health professional for an assessment or calling our helpline at . We are here 24/7 to help you or your loved one get set up in the treatment program that will most efficiently and safely address your condition.
Using Exclusive Care for Eating Disorder Treatment
Exclusive Care is a health care plan that is designated for employees of Riverside County. It offers a variety of insurance options that cover part or all of inpatient or outpatient mental health treatment subject to medical review. Symptoms and warning signs of an eating disorder may include the following according to the NEDA:
- Resistance to maintaining minimum weight
- Phobia of appearing overweight
- Denial of hunger
- Food avoidance
- Binge eating
- Depression or guilt associated with eating habits
If you or a loved one is suffering from these symptoms, please contact your primary care physician or our helpline to arrange an assessment and possible solution using your Exclusive Care for eating disorder treatment.
Does Exclusive Care Cover Eating Disorders Rehab Programs?
Exclusive Care insurance plans cover part or all of inpatient or outpatient mental health treatment programs regardless of the severity of the illness. Your medical assessment will be crucial in deciding what type of plan best suits your treatment needs. Treatment for eating disorders is based on several factors, including previous treatment history, severity of the current condition and responses to recent treatment. Your health care providers, along with a representative from Exclusive Care, can help you or your loved one make the best decision for treatment and rehab programs.
Inpatient Treatment Length Exclusive Care Will Cover
Exclusive Care offers various insurance options, and many of them will cover at least part of medically recommended inpatient mental health treatment, which may include inpatient treatment for eating disorders depending on the assessment of your or your loved one’s condition. Because eating disorders are so difficult to treat and come in such a wide variety, inpatient treatment is usually reserved for patients with very serious medical conditions, those who have not responded to other treatments, and those with comorbid conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, drug or alcohol addiction or depression.
If you believe that you or your loved one would most benefit from extended inpatient treatment, do not hesitate to call us at so we can help you begin the process of seeking a professional assessment and treatment strategy. This is the first step on your road to recovery.
Exclusive Care Coverage for Eating Disorders With Dual Diagnosis
Eating disorders are often comorbid with other conditions such as substance addiction, OCD, general anxiety disorder or depression. In cases of dual diagnosis, both issues will need to be treated simultaneously.
According to Healthyplace.com, it is often the comorbid condition that a patient seeks treatment for, and the eating disorder is only diagnosed afterward. Along with mood disorders, OCD is among the most common dual diagnosis with specific eating disorders. Similarities in clinical symptoms have led some researchers to assert that obsessional personality traits often lead to eating disorder behaviors and routines. The obsession with body shape and size and the delusion that those who suffer can be fully in control through aggressively repeated behavior are symptoms of an eating disorder as well as common characteristics of OCD.
Again, according to Healthyplace.com, bipolar disorder may also be commonly comorbid with eating disorders. Bipolar disorder, as well as drug or alcohol addiction, will likely require more lengthy and extensive treatment than the eating disorder alone. After a thorough medical assessment from a qualified medical professional to evaluate your condition, you and your health care providers can begin planning the best treatment. For eating disorders with dual diagnoses, treatment often involves an inpatient or residential program in which the patient can receive round-the-clock clinical and therapeutic care.
Specialty Eating Disorder Treatments Using Exclusive Care
According to the Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide, a variety of specialty eating disorder treatments are available, and many of these treatments may be covered under the various Exclusive Care insurance plans. These treatments include the following:
- Nutritional education
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Interpersonal therapy
- Medications
- Self-help and group therapy
Nutritional education involves teaching patients to establish new eating behaviors by learning how to plan and pace meals. Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, has been shown to be the most effective therapy for patients with specific eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa. This therapy teaches patients how to recognize destructive thought patterns related to the disorder in order to better address them when they reappear and cope with triggers that may lead to harmful eating behaviors. Using CBT in combination with other therapies and medication has also been shown to be very effective.
Interpersonal therapy addresses issues with personal relationships that affect mood and behaviors associated with eating disorders. Other therapies that teach patients how to address emotional and psychological issues before they become problematic and lead to harmful behaviors have also proven effective, as have certain medications used to address mood disorders and depression.
For help in deciding which specialty therapy is best suited for your condition and needs, give us a call at . We are available 24/7, but it is up to you to begin the healing process for yourself or your loved one by calling our helpline.
How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay
Do not let your financial situation or current insurance coverage affect your decision to seek treatment. Various options are available to pay for costs that insurance does not cover, including private foundations that offer financial assistance and aid. Public research hospitals also often conduct studies in which participants receive free treatment as long as they agree to adhere by the regulations of the study, which may include filling out surveys and being available for follow-up assessments and evaluations. Also, make sure that you request a caseworker from Exclusive Care who can be your personal representative for your insurance needs. To learn more about how to find help in treating eating disorder, call our helpline today.
Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Program
Choosing a specific treatment depends on a variety of factors. First, you must choose to seek treatment by giving us a call or getting a medical assessment. The quicker you do this, the better your chances of addressing your condition will be. Because an eating disorder is a chronic condition, intervention at an early stage is critical.
Many individuals are first treated on an outpatient basis and then, depending on the effectiveness of this treatment, may seek other options such as inpatient treatment. Outpatient services often involve a variety of health professionals, including a physician, dietitian and therapist.
To find out whether your insurance covers the treatment you need for your specific eating disorder, the first step is to get a professional assessment or to call us at . We are here 24/7, so begin the process of finding help by calling now.