Medical Mutual Eating Disorder Coverage
Founded in 1934, Medical Mutual is one of the largest insurance companies located in the state of Ohio. While a variety of services are covered under a Medical Mutual Plan, some long-term treatments may not be.
Using Medical Mutual for Eating Disorder Treatment
According to the South Carolina Department of Mental Health, approximately 1 out of every 200 women suffers from anorexia and approximately 3 women in 200 suffer from bulimia. Sadly, only 10 percent of those people ever receive any type of treatment, mainly due to lack of insurance coverage. If you or someone you love is suffering from an eating disorder, contact us at for more information on treatment options.
Eating disorders are considered a behavioral health illness. Most insurance companies handle behavioral health issues differently. The best thing to do when seeking Medical Mutual assistance for an eating disorder treatment is to contact your primary care physician and ask for an appointment. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and get a clinical diagnosis. You may need to be seen by a behavioral health specialist and require a referral to someone who is in network. If you see an in-network doctor, you will be responsible for any copays required by your policy.
Depending on the type of medical coverage you have, you may also be responsible for annual deductibles, coinsurance, non-covered services or charges that are in excess of what is allowed by Medical Mutual for that type of treatment. If you are a member of an HMO plan and a doctor or facility that is not in network treats you, you will be responsible for all charges except when treatment is required to stabilize you in an emergency.
A person with an eating disorder will see a decline in health as the illness progresses. Symptoms can include:
- Thinning bones
- Constipation
- Anemia
- Infertility
- Brain damage
- Organ failure
- Dry skin
- Intolerance to cold
- Lethargy
Out of all mental illnesses, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all, so it’s important to seek help immediately.
Does Medical Mutual Cover Eating Disorders Rehab Programs?
Medical Mutual is dedicated to making sure you receive the treatment you need in all circumstances. The best way to find out the length of time your policy will cover is by calling your insurance representative. You can find the phone number for benefits on your policy or on the back of your insurance identification card.
Covered benefits by Medical Mutual typically include any procedure that is deemed medically necessary. This covers:
- Hospital stays
- Surgical procedures
- Diagnostic testing
- Prescriptions
- Preventative care
Inpatient Treatment Length Medical Mutual Will Cover (28-30, 60, 90+ Day)
The length of time it takes to recover from anorexia can vary depending on the individual and the severity of the condition. The primary concern at the beginning of treatment is stabilizing the person. Anorexia can cause low blood pressure, dehydration, cardiac arrest and loss of menstruation, so the goal at the beginning of rehab is to make sure all systems are operating as they should. Other aspects of treatment include a focus on:
- Nutrition
- Behavior control
- Mental health
- Attitudes about food
- Returning to a normal life
Generally, treatment for anorexia is a lifelong process, but the sooner the disorder is diagnosed, the better the prognosis. If you are concerned you may be suffering from an eating disorder, call us at and we can answer any questions you may have.
For some, treatment may be as simple as a weekly or monthly appointment with a psychologist to help you improve your self-image and to provide you with the nutritional information you need to get well. Inpatient treatment usually lasts around 30 days, but longer stays may be required if there is a dual diagnosis. Medical Mutual can help match you with a treatment center near you that can provide you with the medical care you need.
Medical Mutual Coverage for Eating Disorders with Dual Diagnosis
According to the National Eating Disorder Association, approximately 50 percent of individuals who suffer from an eating disorder also suffer from alcohol or drug addiction. Although there is no known correlation between the two, most specialists believe that someone who suffers from an eating disorder will often turn to drugs and alcohol to feel better. One of the effects of meth and cocaine usage is weight loss, which can also be desired by someone with an eating disorder.
A dual diagnosis usually requires inpatient treatment in order to succeed. Medical Mutual works in conjunction with several treatment facilities to ensure you receive the care you need to get clean and sober from both drugs and alcohol. The company also provides some out-of-network benefits, so you can take as much time as you need getting help. For more information on the benefits of using Medical Mutual for eating disorder treatment, call us today.
Specialty Eating Disorder Treatments Using Medical Mutual
There are a wide variety of specialty eating disorder treatments that may or may not be covered under Medical Mutual. Some of these treatment methods may be used in an inpatient treatment facility to help a person develop new habits and develop good self-esteem. Art therapy provides someone with an eating disorder an outlet to express inner feelings. It is often used to treat mood disorders and substance abuse conditions.
Dance therapy is a form of healing that provides the person with a way to express emotion through movement in a positive manner. It can also help introduce a person to a healthy, active lifestyle. Other alternative eating disorder treatments can include equine therapy, yoga, massage and acupuncture.
When used in conjunction with an inpatient treatment process, alternative methods may be covered. If your physician recommends one of these forms of therapy as an additional method or reinforcement to treatment, you may be responsible for payment on your own. If you have questions about forms of treatment for an eating disorder, call us at and we can provide a confidential consultation.
How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For
Insurance does not always cover behavioral health treatment programs, and even when it does, it may not cover everything. If you find you need to pay for treatment on your own or cover additional costs, there are a few things you can do. Talk to your treatment facility about payment plans. In some cases, to ensure you receive the treatment you need, the facility may allow you to make monthly payments until the balance is paid in full. If you are required to stay in an inpatient treatment facility, you can also inquire about financing.
Check with your local department of family and children services or health department regarding free clinics in your area. Community clinics are available to offer free services to those who can’t afford to pay for treatment. Usually the clinics are made available through doctors and nurses who volunteer their time. You will need to fill out some paperwork on your past medical history, and you will probably need to provide income verification, such as a prior year’s income tax return and current paystubs.
If you are a member of a church, some offer free counseling to their members, and if you attend college, some health services are included in your tuition. Just try to get help somewhere. Don’t let money issues be the reason you do not get the help you need. To know how to find help in treating an eating disorder, call us today.
Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Programs
The easiest way to verify if Medical Mutual will cover treatment of anorexia is to contact your case manager and discuss your policy. Not only can your case manager tell you if your plan covers anorexia treatment, you can also get assistance with:
- Locating programs in your area
- Scheduling doctors’ appointments
- Obtaining referrals
- Travel to and from your appointments
- Home visits
Medical Mutual generally pays for at least partial costs of treatment, but it helps to know ahead of time what may be involved. If you or someone you love has questions or concerns about anorexia treatment, contact us at for more information about recovery.