Mental Health Network Eating Disorder Coverage
Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses that are often stigmatized and misunderstood. When left untreated, eating disorders such as bulimia, binge eating disorder and anorexia can result in any number of serious medical complications and conditions, including:
- Severe dehydration and kidney disease
- Elevated blood pressure and cholesterol
- Heart disease, arrhythmia and heart failure
- Gastric bleeding and rupture
- Clinical depression
The complex nature of an eating disorder requires treatments that address physical, emotional and social issues, many of which may require prompt and intensive professional care. If you or someone close to you is suffering from an eating disorder, call to find the help you need to begin the recovery process.
Using Mental Health Network for Eating Disorder Treatment
Mental Health Network is committed to providing the financial assistance and treatment information that members need in order to seek out and make use of the best care options and resources. Failing to take the appropriate steps to address your eating disorder can further complicate the recovery process and may increase your risk of developing a serious or potentially life-threatening medical condition. The assistance that can be made available through the best insurance providers is an invaluable resource for anyone who is struggling to manage and overcome an eating disorder.
It’s important to have an effective understanding of these serious disorders and the programs and therapies that will be needed to overcome them. If you believe you need help, call to discuss treatment options and get the information you need to make the most effective decision. Overcoming an eating disorder is never easy, but with the right help, you can find the best treatment and care options for you.
Does Mental Health Network Cover Eating Disorders Rehab Programs?
Health care costs are often of paramount concern, especially for patients who may only have access to a limited range of funds to cover the costs of treatment. Speak with a Mental Health Network representative to learn about your coverage options and ensure that you do not overlook any programs or treatment opportunities that may be of greater benefit to you. Assessing your options and outlining the best places to seek care can be an important step toward ensuring a healthier future.
Inpatient Treatment Length Mental Health Network Will Cover
More intensive treatment programs, including inpatient hospitalization, can be a critical resource in your efforts to overcome an eating disorder. Only 1 in 10 patients who suffer from an eating disorder receive the treatment they need, so finding financial assistance that will allow you to begin the right treatment program is an important concern. Inpatient programs cost as much as $30,000 a month on average, leaving many private-pay patients and those who lack financial assistance unable to make use of the programs and resources they need.
Whether you require an outpatient program or more intensive treatment to increase your chances of a successful recovery, it’s important to have an insurance provider that will allow you to find the option that is right for you. Call to discuss your coverage options and learn more about which programs they may cover. Prompt access to a treatment program can make a lifesaving difference for those who are suffering from eating disorders.
Mental Health Network Coverage for Eating Disorders With Dual Diagnosis
Suffering from more than one eating disorder or dealing with the effects of another mental health condition can make recovery more difficult. The assistance and care options that can only be found at a dedicated facility can make a world of difference for dual diagnosis patients. It’s important to find treatment centers and programs that can create a care plan tailored to your specific needs, especially if you are dealing with another mental illness.
From intensive inpatient programs to long-term therapy and outpatient treatment options that are designed for patients who may be suffering from a relapse, finding the care that will best meet your needs can be a challenge. The assistance available through the best insurance providers can allow you to enjoy greater success. Call to learn more about how to find help in treating an eating disorder.
Specialty Eating Disorder Treatments Using Mental Health Network
The care and assistance needed to overcome anorexia, bulimia or a binge eating disorder comes in many forms. Treating the physical effects of an eating disorder alone may not be enough to promote a complete long-term recovery. It’s important to seek out the specialty care you need, from the acute initial treatment needed to deal with physical effects of the disorder to the long-term emotional support and therapy that will reduce the likelihood of suffering from a relapse.
For many who suffer from eating disorders, a complete recovery often proves to be an elusive goal. Constructing a care or treatment plan that will address your individual needs will allow you to address the emotional, social and behavioral causes that led to the disorder in the first place. With a little professional assistance and guidance, you can find the resources and treatment opportunities that will be the most effective for you. For more information about the benefits of using Mental Health Network for eating disorder treatment, call us today.
How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For
The substantial disruption that an eating disorder can cause to your personal, professional and social life may require additional assistance to address. Even the most comprehensive policies and coverage options may not always be able to provide patients with the level of financial assistance they seek.
Call to learn more about any eating disorder treatment programs for which you may qualify. Attempting to manage or treat a serious eating disorder on your own could leave you at far greater risk of developing further medical problems. It’s important for patients and their family members to seek out information on how they may be better able to cover the health care costs involved in getting the right treatment.
Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Programs
Seeking professional help and enrolling in a formal treatment program is the best way to manage and overcome an eating disorder. Speaking with an insurance representative in order to verify your coverage and discuss the options, programs and opportunities that will allow you to seek the most effective treatment can be a critical first step on the path to a brighter tomorrow. Get the information and assistance you need to begin the recovery process and take prompt and appropriate action in your efforts to seek care and formal treatment.
Eating disorders are often misunderstood, and many patients and families underestimate the severe nature of these disorders. If you have been struggling to overcome an eating disorder or if you suspect that a family member or friend may be suffering from bulimia, binge eating disorder or anorexia, call to get the information you need to address the situation and begin the recovery process. Failing to seek medical assistance and proper treatment can increase the likelihood of developing a range of life-threatening complications. Professional treatment can start you on the right path to enjoy a longer and healthier life.