MultiPlan Eating Disorder Coverage

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MultiPlan is more than just another insurance provider. In fact, it markets itself as “the industry’s most comprehensive provider of health care cost management solutions.” The MultiPlan network serves more than 68 million people nationwide, through a vast group of health care providers. The program works with employers in a variety of industries, including health care and the government. The company works primarily in Wisconsin and the southwestern region, but they offer independent national service through a PPO platform as well.

Using MultiPlan for Eating Disorder Treatment

Before receiving treatment for an eating disorder, your MultiPlan provider will first determine the nature of your condition. There are certain signs of an eating disorder to watch out for in yourself and in your loved ones. The most common symptoms of an eating disorder include:

If you notice any of these symptoms, call our toll-free helpline at for information on eating disorder treatments and how to get covered through MultiPlan. We would be happy to help you connect with the services you need to get into a treatment program and on your way to recovering from your eating disorder. MultiPlan strives to provide the utmost value for employers and patients, but sometimes you could use assistance from someone focused on the patient side of eating disorder care.

Does MultiPlan Cover Eating Disorders Rehab Programs?

Anorexia alone affects up to 1 percent of all adolescent girls in the United States. The MultiPlan service program directs clients to services and coverage for a variety of physical and mental health issues. MultiPlan itself does not provide coverage for eating disorders or other medical treatments. However, the company does work with a variety of companies that are responsible for paying insurance claims to ensure that both the provider and patient receive a fair deal. With a variety of PPO networks that operate regionally as well as nationwide, MultiPlan helps connect patients with the comprehensive services they need, including those for eating disorder rehabilitation programs.

The MultiPlan network of providers is one of the most comprehensive in the country, featuring a variety of professionals in various parts of the medical industry. While it should be easy to find a MultiPlan eating disorder specialist or facility in your area, the company also helps employers pay for out-of-network providers if their employees elect to seek treatment through one. In addition to this Commercial Health plan, MultiPlan also has Government, Property and Casualty plans. Cost management solutions allow employers to step outside of single-provider systems to provide comprehensive coverage to their employees, keeping costs low on all sides.

Inpatient Treatment Length MultiPlan Will Cover (28-30, 60, 90+ Day)

The treatment length that your MultiPlan provider will cover depends entirely on your individual situation. For more severe cases, it is not uncommon to receive treatment at an inpatient or outpatient specialty clinic for eating disorders for 60 days or longer. For others, especially those whose work or family responsibilities preclude a longer stay, month-long plans are the most common. Since MultiPlan is one of the most well-known providers of cost management solutions for employers and health care providers, the treatment options are generally quite varied.

MultiPlan Coverage for Eating Disorders with Dual Diagnosis

A dual diagnosis is remarkably common for people with eating disorders. In fact, up to 50 percent of people suffering from an eating disorder are also suffering from clinical depression. Depression and anxiety are serious mental health issues that are often overlooked in the presence of an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia. Many people have a secondary condition that exacerbates the primary disorder, so treating all comorbid conditions is essential to reaching true recovery.

If you or a loved one are suffering from an eating disorder as well as another serious mental health condition, call our toll-free helpline at . Our knowledgeable team is available 24/7 to answer your questions and help you connect with eating disorder treatment resources in your area.

Specialty Eating Disorder Treatments Using MultiPlan

Specialty treatments are new and innovative programs being used for the treatment of eating disorders like compulsive overeating, anorexia, and bulimia. These build upon the traditional treatments, such as counseling and behavioral management, but they add a new twist to the recovery process. Many modern specialty treatments for eating disorders focus on targeting the habits that lead to the destructive behavior in the first place and replacing them with new, beneficial habits. Many people suffering from eating disorders are attempting to find a way to regain control of their lives, so replacing that lost control with true and positive self-empowerment can help alleviate the need to control through food. From horseback riding and other athletic activities to meditation and hypnotherapy, many eating disorder specialists are investigating new ways to engage their patients fully in the recovery process.

While it is generally easier to get coverage for traditional treatment methods, MultiPlan has one of the most diverse coverage plans in the country. Since your MultiPlan program allows you to work with numerous in- and out-of-network providers, it should be easy to find a doctor or treatment facility that utilizes the specialty treatment you think would work best. The final coverage decision will depend on your individual situation and the recommendation of your primary health care provider, but there are numerous innovative treatment options out there to be explored.

How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For

Sometimes even the most comprehensive insurance provider won’t cover every aspect of your chosen eating disorder treatment. If this happens to you, don’t give up. There are still ways you can get your treatment paid for without going into significant debt or causing financial hardship. Many individual providers, such as hospitals and inpatient treatment programs, allocate a certain amount of services for charitable purposes. These organizations receive tax breaks for donating their services to charity, and you can receive the same care you would if you were paying out of pocket. To find out if you are eligible for free or reduced-cost treatment, contact your chosen provider, and consider asking your MultiPlan representative if he/she knows of any charitable programs in your area.

Consumer credit is another way to cover your medical costs when the out-of-pocket expense is too great. From payment plans to reduced rates for low-income families and individuals, health care providers are some of the most generous when it comes to helping consumers secure services on limited financing. You may have to fill out large amounts of paperwork and do some significant research, but there are financing plans and credit lines available to pay for medical procedures and treatment programs for eating disorders.

Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Programs

There is no better way to verify your insurance coverage and find the best treatment programs than to speak directly with a MultiPlan representative who can tell you about the treatment programs available in your area. Coverage may vary depending on the nature of your treatment. It is generally easier to get coverage for tried-and-tested treatments as opposed to new and innovative trial runs that are not guaranteed to work. Fortunately, eating disorder treatment is one of the most prolific areas of research in the medical and psychological community. As many as 20 percent of those with eating disorders die from complications related to their conditions, so this is an issue that health care providers and solution managers like MultiPlan take very seriously.

Because of the serious nature of all eating disorders, it is important to seek help as soon as possible. If you believe that you or a loved one are showing signs of an eating disorder, get help before it is too late. The sooner you start treatment, the better your chances are of a full recovery. Companies such as MultiPlan can help you connect with providers in your area, but it’s up to you to take the first step. Give us a call at today for more information on MultiPlan and other companies in your region.