UnitedHealth Group Eating Disorder Coverage

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If you have UnitedHealth Group insurance and you or someone in your family has an eating disorder, you may naturally wonder if your insurance will cover treatment. Eating disorders are very serious illnesses that can grow worse and even become fatal without proper treatment. Eating disorders actually have the highest fatality rate among mental disorders. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reports that the fatality rate for eating disorders is over 5 percent.

Using UnitedHealth Group for Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating disorders can take many forms. The two most well-known eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. In both disorders, the individual may experience severe emaciation or thinness. A person with anorexia will eat extremely restricted amounts of food, whereas an individual with bulimia will often binge on large amounts of food and then purge this food through self-induced vomiting or another means. Purging is sometimes also present with anorexia.

Bulimia and anorexia may share several common symptoms, including:

If you suspect that you or someone you love may be suffering from an eating disorder, it is imperative that you seek out professional help as soon as possible. Your UnitedHealth Group policy may cover all or a portion of your treatment. For help in finding an eating disorder treatment facility, please contact one of our trained counselors at .

Does UnitedHealth Group Cover Eating Disorders Rehab Programs?

Whether your UnitedHealth Group policy will cover an eating disorder rehab program will depend upon your specific policy. This is why it is important that you take the time to carefully review your policy for specific information regarding covered benefits. A representative of UnitedHealth Group can provide you with any additional information you need regarding covered benefits.

Once you have basic coverage information, you will be in a position to determine the most appropriate type of eating disorder program for yourself or your family member. Keep in mind that various types of eating disorder treatment programs are available, including inpatient and outpatient programs.

The primary characteristic of an inpatient program is that it requires you to live at the facility while receiving treatment. This means that you would be unable to continue with your normal everyday activities while you are undergoing treatment. However, an inpatient program can provide the structured and supervised environment that is often essential for full recovery, especially in the case of eating disorders. Individuals who are suffering from an eating disorder may have lost the ability to control their own eating habits. Patients may also need to be monitored to ensure they do not continue engaging in self-destructive behavior, such as vomiting or other types of purging. Inpatient facilities are also able to provide medical services that may not be available in a non-residential setting.

In an outpatient program, you have the benefit of being able to continue with daily activities such as school and work. Patients will usually return to the facility several times per week or even on a daily basis to receive treatment. Outpatient facilities are not able to provide the same monitoring and in-depth care as inpatient facilities, however. Additionally, due to their limited scope, outpatient programs may also be restricted in terms of the types of services they are able to provide.

If you require assistance in finding an eating disorder treatment program, we are available around the clock to talk with you about various options. You do not have to go through this alone. Please call us at .

Inpatient Treatment Length UnitedHealth Group Will Cover (28-30, 60, 90+ Day)

One of the most important things you should verify regarding your UnitedHealth Group coverage for eating disorder treatment is the duration of treatment that will be covered. Eating disorder treatment programs can vary greatly in terms of length. The length of treatment will be based on factors such as your condition, the severity of your disorder, and how quickly you progress through treatment. The shortest duration for treatment is usually about one month.

Many individuals often require a greater length of time to achieve full recovery. The South Carolina Department of Mental Health reports that patients with eating disorders may need up to six months of inpatient care. The most important thing to focus on when you or your family member is suffering from an eating disorder is finding the most appropriate level of care. While eating disorders can be serious, a comprehensive treatment facility can provide you or your loved one with the tools necessary to recover. It may take time, but it is possible to successfully recover from an eating disorder.

UnitedHealth Group Coverage for Eating Disorders With Dual Diagnosis

Eating disorders may often be accompanied by other disorders. For instance, a person suffering from an eating disorder may also have an obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety or depression. It is also not unusual for a person with an eating disorder to struggle with substance abuse problems. When this is the case, it is important to seek out a treatment facility that specializes in dual diagnosis.

When you first enter treatment, you will typically go through an intake or assessment process. The goal of this process is to evaluate your current condition and the severity of your eating disorder. Additionally, the trained staff at the treatment center will evaluate you to determine the presence of any other disorders or conditions. By identifying and addressing all disorders, dual diagnosis treatment facilities can provide patients with the highest chance for recovery.

Specialty Eating Disorder Treatments Using UnitedHealth Group

Not just any treatment facility will suffice when you or your family member needs help with an eating disorder. A program offering specialty eating disorder treatments is crucial to your long-term recovery. Along with offering dual diagnosis capabilities, eating disorder facilities will usually provide nutritional counseling and psychological counseling and therapy. In the event that the patient is also suffering from anxiety disorders or depression, medication may be prescribed. An inpatient eating disorder program will also typically provide a range of activities that give patients the chance to relax and learn how to cope with stress in a positive manner. Such activities might include:

You do not have to go through this alone. We are always here and happy to speak with you. Please do not hesitate to contact us at for more information about finding help in treating an eating disorder that will meet your specific needs.

How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For

If you have reviewed your UnitedHealth Group coverage and you find that your policy will not pay for all of your therapy needs, it is important to understand that other options are available to you. Some patients may be able to qualify for state or government assistance. It may also be possible for you to finance all or part of your cost of treatment.

Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Programs

Before you decide on the most appropriate treatment program for yourself or your loved one, it is important to verify your coverage through UnitedHealth Group. Keep in mind that even if your UnitedHealth Group insurance policy does not cover your complete treatment needs, assistance may still be available. It is never too late to get the help you need. While eating disorders are serious, it is possible to recover and look forward to a healthy new life. Call us at for help taking that first step.