Using AmeriHealth for Anorexia Treatment

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The South Carolina Department of Health reports that one in 200 women suffer from anorexia. Individuals with this condition often view themselves as overweight. Consequently, weight control, food and eating become obsessions. People with anorexia may weigh themselves repeatedly and eat only small amounts of food.

If you are concerned that you or someone you care about is suffering from anorexia, it is imperative that you learn to recognize the symptoms and determine whether your AmeriHealth insurance policy will cover treatment.

Symptoms of anorexia include:

Without treatment, anorexia can lead to a number of serious health issues over time, such as brain damage, heart damage and multi-organ failure. With proper treatment, it is possible to recover from anorexia and lead a healthy life once again.

For assistance in locating a treatment facility specializing in anorexia nervosa, please call us at . We are always available to speak to you and assist you in finding a treatment program that will meet your needs.

Does AmeriHealth Cover Anorexia Nervosa Rehab Programs?

Coverage for anorexia nervosa varies among insurance providers and across policies. If you are not certain whether you are covered for the treatment of anorexia, it is important to consult your policy for information about covered benefits. You may also want to contact your AmeriHealth insurance representative to ask about specific treatments that may be covered. By understanding what is covered by your policy, you will be in a better position to make an informed decision regarding your selection of treatment.

The type of coverage provided may also vary based on the type of treatment you select. It should be kept in mind that anorexia treatment programs are typically divided into two types: inpatient and outpatient. Inpatient programs are among the most common types of treatment options available. With this type of treatment, you or your loved one will reside at the facility for the duration of treatment. In an outpatient treatment program, patients are allowed to leave and return home each day without the need to reside at the facility. Inpatient programs are usually more expensive, but they also often provide a more intensive level of care. This can be particularly important in severe cases of anorexia. While attending an inpatient facility, patients will also be better able to focus on their recovery while being removed from the stresses associated with daily life that could otherwise result in relapse.

Inpatient Treatment Length AmeriHealth Will Cover (28-30, 60, 90+ Day)

When speaking with your AmeriHealth insurance representative, make certain you ask specific questions regarding the length of treatment that will be covered. Keep in mind that all policies are different. A 28-day or 30-day treatment program is the most common type of rehabilitation program available. This type of program may be suitable for individuals with mild anorexia.

In severe cases, a longer duration of treatment may be necessary. Longer treatment programs will cost more, but cost should not be a the sole determining factor in identifying the program that is the best match for you or your family member’s needs.

AmeriHealth Coverage for Anorexia Dual Diagnosis

Anorexia commonly coexists with other illnesses, including substance abuse, depression and anxiety disorders. Individuals who are most at risk for developing anorexia, as well as coexisting disorders, include overachievers who have always excelled in everything they do. On the outside, they may appear to have their lives together, but inside, they may feel worthless, inadequate and helpless. Such feelings can lead to substance abuse, depression and anorexia. People facing a tremendous amount of social and family pressure may also be at risk. For instance, participating in activities that demand slenderness, such as modeling or ballet, could trigger anorexia.

If an individual does not receive adequate treatment for all conditions, the situation can become life-threatening. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, people with anorexia are 18 times more likely to die at an early age compared to someone of a similar age within the general population. Consequently, it is imperative that you locate a treatment facility capable of making a dual diagnosis and providing treatment for all the disorders that may be present. For help in locating a dual diagnosis treatment facility, please call us at .

Specialty Anorexia Treatment: Treatments Using AmeriHealth

Three components are typically involved in an effective anorexia treatment program. The first goal of treatment is to work with the patient to restore a healthy weight. In addition, the trained medical staff at the treatment facility will treat the psychological issues associated with the eating disorder. Finally, the staff members and the patient will work together to eliminate the thoughts or behaviors that often lead to insufficient eating and could result in relapse.

Depending on a patient’s specific needs and condition, medications may also be used as part of a patient’s customized treatment plan. Such medications may include mood stabilizers, antidepressants or antipsychotics. The goal of such medicinal therapy is to treat underlying mental health disorders that may have led to the development of anorexia.

Various forms of psychotherapy may also be used in treating anorexia. Treatment may include family-based, group or individual therapy. As part of such treatment sessions, therapists will work with patients to address the reasons for the illness. Once patients have developed an understanding of the underlying issues that led to their disorder, they will be able to address those issues in a healthy manner and learn how to avoid possible triggers that could lead to relapse.

How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For

It is important to understand that even if your AmeriHealth insurance policy does not pay for all the necessary treatment you or your loved one requires, there are still options available to cover the cost of care. For instance, some treatment facilities offer private financing options. With this option, you may be able to finance the total cost of care and then pay the cost in installment payments. If you qualify, help may also be available through state-operated financial assistance programs. To know more about the benefits about using Amerihealth for eating disorder treatment, call our helpline today.

Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Programs

Verifying Amerihealth insurance coverage is an important step in locating a treatment facility. In some instances, coverage may be limited to certain care providers. This is an important point that should be clarified when verifying coverage through your insurance provider.

A number of factors will need to be determined as part of choosing the treatment program that can provide the most optimal opportunity for recovery. Along with choosing between an inpatient and outpatient facility, you will also need to consider the level of care that is provided. For the best chances of recovery, the facility should provide nutritional counseling. A trained dietician or nutritionist will work with patients to help them understand proper nutrition and healthy eating. In most cases, nutritionists will work on a one-on-one basis with patients to help them develop and follow balanced meal plans that include a sufficient number of calories to reach and then maintain a normal, healthy weight.

Patients will also learn how to deal with relationship problems, stress and difficult emotions in a positive, healthy manner rather than resorting to self-destructive methods. Such treatments will also show patients how to avoid triggers and situations that could potentially lead to relapse in the future.

In addition, the facility should have staff available around the clock. The staff at the center should also be specifically trained in treating anorexia nervosa as well as other co-occurring conditions, including depression and anxiety.

It is never too late to turn your life around and get the help you need to recover from anorexia. With professional treatment, it is possible to live a healthy life once again. We are always available to speak to you about finding help in treating eating disorder. Please do not hesitate to call us today at .