Using AmeriHealth for Bulimia Treatment

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AmeriHealth insurance offers varying degrees of coverage for the treatment of bulimia and other mental health disorders. If you are suffering from symptoms or warning signs that you think are related to bulimia or any other eating disorder, you should contact your primary care physician or call us at to learn more about treatment.

Bulimia is an eating disorder characterized by periods of binge eating and purging, either through vomiting or the use of laxatives. According to the Office on Women’s Health, bulimia can have drastic consequences if untreated, leading to a variety of serious medical conditions, many life-threatening, such as:

Symptoms and warning signs include the following:

Although there’s no one-size-fits-all treatment for bulimia, immediate intervention and a treatment plan that takes into account the various causes of the disorder, the patient’s medical history and previous treatments is essential for effective results.

Using AmeriHealth for Bulimia Treatment

When using AmeriHealth for bulimia treatment, coverage is dependent on a variety of factors, including the type of plan, the condition of the patient, and previous medical and treatment history. Because bulimia treatment can differ so drastically from person to person, it is essential that you or your loved one undergo a medical assessment as soon as possible.

Like most other mental health disorders, bulimia nervosa is a progressive disease. If untreated, it only grows worse. After a full medical assessment and consultation between the group of medical professionals in charge of your care and an AmeriHealth representative, the most promising treatment plan can be developed and implemented.

Does AmeriHealth Cover Bulimia Nervosa Rehab Programs?

Although all AmeriHealth insurance coverage plans will likely cover at least part of the cost of any type of bulimia nervosa rehab programs under its mental health treatment category, it is important to note that the type and amount of coverage, no matter what the treatment is, depends on the initial medical assessment, subsequent medical assessments and patient response to treatment.

The Mayo Clinic lists various treatment options for patients suffering from bulimia, anorexia or any other eating disorder. Among the treatments that are most common are:

Because treatment for bulimia is often long-term, sometimes spanning years, these treatments are not exclusive, and, more likely than not, patients will be cared for with a combination of more than one type of treatment. To get started, an initial evaluation is paramount.

Take the first step to a better quality of life by giving us a call at so we can guide you in finding the proper eating disorder treatment. We are here day and night to assist you.

Inpatient Treatment Length AmeriHealth Will Cover (28-30, 60, 90+ Day)

Depending on your current medical condition, previous treatment history and the specifics of your insurance plan, AmeriHealth may cover the cost of an inpatient treatment program. The length of such a program will be determined by the initial medical assessment, subsequent medical assessments during treatment and your response to current treatment. You should be advised that, for patients who have not been treated for bulimia on previous occasions, less intensive treatment methods will likely be administered first, given that some patients respond better to these than to the more extensive and costly therapy of inpatient programs.

AmeriHealth Coverage for Bulimia Dual Diagnosis

Often, bulimia is diagnosed at the same time as other comorbid conditions that need as much therapeutic attention as the eating disorder, and that, if untreated, put the patient in danger of relapsing or returning to harmful behaviors and habits after initial treatment. Some of the more common comorbid conditions diagnosed with bulimia nervosa include:

Patients with dual diagnoses are often in more severe medical condition than patients who have been diagnosed only with an eating disorder, and they require more specialized and extensive treatment, usually on an inpatient basis to allow for closer monitoring. After the initial dual-diagnosis assessment, your team of health care professionals in consultation with an AmeriHealth representative will carefully consider all the options when choosing the best treatment for these more serious conditions. AmeriHealth coverage for bulimia dual diagnosis depends on this initial assessment.

Specialty Bulimia Treatments Using AmeriHealth

Although public bulimia treatment facilities often offer the best care available, some patients may require facilities in which more attention is given to personal privacy, and the amenities offered are more extensive. These luxury treatment facilities are more costly, but for many patients, they are the best choice.

While using AmeriHealth for eating disorder treatment may not cover such specialty treatments fully, many procedures and individual therapy sessions may be partly covered. Please call us at or contact your AmeriHealth caseworker so we can begin the process of evaluation and choosing the treatment facilities that will best fit your individual needs.

How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For

Bulimia nervosa is a very serious disease that, if untreated, can lead to critical medical conditions and even death. Your decision to seek treatment should not be affected by your perception of costs or concerns about how to cover what insurance doesn’t pay for. As with any addictive disorder, sufferers often use such excuses not to seek treatment at their own peril, for the condition will only worsen.

Please call us at so you can begin the healing process; we are here to help, and that help includes figuring out ways to pay for any charges that AmeriHealth may not cover. There are various foundations that offer financial assistance for eating disorder treatment and federal organizations that can aid you in establishing payment plans. It is essential that you do not delay treatment because you think you will be unable to pay. Call us today and we will assist you to find help in treating eating disorder.

Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Centers

After the initial assessment, your team of health care professionals in consultation with an AmeriHealth representative will confirm the best treatment plan under the available coverage. After verifying insurance coverage and finding the best treatment center, further consultation and approval of treatment will depend on subsequent assessments and response to treatment. None of this can get started without you taking the initial step to take back control of your life. Call now.