Using APS Healthcare for Bulimia Treatment

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With so many people struggling with body image and weight,eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa, are on the rise. People who suffer from bulimia partake in food in large binges, resulting in a feeling of loss of control over eating. The person compensates for binge eating by purging the food through induced vomiting, excessive laxative usage, extreme exercising and fasting. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) reports that the feeling of lost control over eating bulimia suffers experience is often accompanied by emotional and physical distress. Professionals diagnose bulimia nervosa when the patient binges and purges more than twice a week for a minimum of three months.

Eating disorders hold the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. According to the American Journal of Psychiatry, the standardized mortality rate for those diagnosed with bulimia nervosa is approximately 2.33 percent. Experts from the Mayo Clinic report that people who struggle with bulimia nervosa may be slightly overweight or at a normal weight, but they will experience at least one of the following symptoms:

Bulimia can be a deadly mental illness, affecting both you and your loved ones. If you or someone you know is suffering from bulimia nervosa, we can help. Call to discuss treatment options.

Does APS Healthcare Cover Bulimia Nervosa Rehab Programs?

APS Healthcare coverage may include bulimia nervosa rehab programs. If these benefits are included under the policy, individuals who struggle with maintaining their health can seek professional help through a bulimia rehab program. APS Healthcare focuses on understanding the complex treatments needed to help individuals recover from bulimia, recognizing the person’s weakness and underlying mental conditions. Policyholders with behavioral health benefits should look for premium-quality bulimia rehab services that include:

According to APS Healthcare, in order to qualify for benefit coverage, individuals need to prove the medical necessity of their condition, as defined by the DSM-IV TR. Once medical necessity is proven, APS Healthcare will cover a portion or the full amount of the cost for behavioral health care treatment. If you are unsure about your coverage benefits, please call us today at . We’re available 24/7 to help you.

Inpatient Treatment Length APS Healthcare Will Cover (28-30, 60, 90+ Day)

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the eating disorder. A mental health professional will speak with the patient and determine an adequate amount of time for rehab treatment. If the patient’s bulimia disorder is severe enough to be life-threatening, the professional will recommend inpatient care at a rehab facility or hospital. Inpatient care will ensure the patient receives the necessary medication and medical attention for a successful recovery.

The duration of inpatient treatment covered by APS Healthcare depends on the policy benefits for behavioral health care. Patients will need to obtain prior authorization through their insurance representative before entering into a bulimia nervosa rehab program. APS Healthcare explains that if the patient has not recovered fully by the end of the authorization period, an APS CareConnection Inpatient CSR-Residential form must be submitted at least five days before the authorization period’s end date. Approval for admittance is dependent upon the patient’s behavior and symptoms.

APS Healthcare Coverage for Bulimia Dual Diagnosis

APS Healthcare coverage for bulimia dual diagnosis depends on the policyholder’s benefits. Many patients who are diagnosed with bulimia nervosa also suffer from a secondary diagnosis, such as a mental disorder or drug abuse. According to ANAD, an estimated 50 percent of individuals who suffer from an eating disorder also meet the qualifications for depression. Others who struggle with bulimia nervosa also suffer from drug abuse, using laxatives and diuretics to induce purging.

Patients with a dual diagnosis can also experience the following emotional or mental conditions:

Individuals who suffer from a dual diagnosis should enroll in a combination rehab program to increase their chances of recovery without suffering from additional health or mental issues. Studies show that patients who have been diagnosed with two behavioral conditions can recover if they receive integrated dual-disorder treatment. Effective integrated rehab programs assist patients with developing the skills, support and knowledge needed to successfully manage the eating disorder and behavioral condition.

If you want help finding the best private rehab facility for you, please call us today at .

Specialty Bulimia Treatment Treatments Using APS Healthcare

Patients who need specialty bulimia treatment can find the proper coverage through APS Healthcare. Professionals will analyze the patient’s behavior and symptoms to determine if the patient needs additional care, such as medication, nutritional rehab or therapy sessions. Medication can be prescribed for those who are struggling with a mental disorder or physical condition to aid in the healing process, and nutritional rehab teaches the patient how to eat healthily while maintaining the proper weight. Therapy sessions take place in a one-on-one session or in group settings, allowing the therapist to deal with any underlying mental conditions and showing the patient that there are others who have successfully overcome bulimia nervosa.

If the behavioral health care professional decides that specialty bulimia treatment is medically necessary, then patients can get authorization through APS Healthcare to cover the treatment costs. Recovering from bulimia can be difficult, especially when it comes to choosing the right bulimia nervosa rehab program. Specialty treatment programs help patients fully overcome their bulimia disorder with the help of nutritionists, doctors and mental health care professionals in a specialized rehab center. To find help in treating eating disorder and to learn more about the benefits in using APS Healthcare for eating disorder treatment, call our helpline today.

How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For

Depending on the policy benefits, APS Healthcare may only cover a portion or none of the treatment costs. Most bulimia nervosa rehab programs will work with the patient when it comes to financing the treatment program. Patients can sign a specialized treatment financing agreement that will ensure they get the necessary help for their bulimia disorder by allowing them to make small monthly payments until the bill is paid off.

Individuals who do not have the proper coverage and are unable to afford monthly payments through a rehab program can seek outside financial help from various nonprofit organizations, such as Eating Disorders Anonymous (EDA) and National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). These organizations accept monetary donations to help patients obtain the care they need right away.

If you are unsure about your APS Healthcare coverage, we can provide you with the answers you need. Call to discuss eating disorder treatment options.

Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Centers

Before signing up for a bulimia nervosa rehab program, patients need to call their APS Healthcare representative to verify the available coverage benefits for behavioral conditions. Individuals will need their mental health care professional to prove the medical necessity of the bulimia nervosa rehab program, showing that the treatment is needed in order to stabilize the patient’s eating disorder and any underlying conditions. Patients may need prior authorization before enrolling in a comprehensive behavioral program or hospital, which may cover partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient and residential programs.

APS Healthcare assists patients with finding the best bulimia treatment center by:

Bulimia nervosa can be a deadly eating disorder, especially when it’s not detected or taken care of right away. If you or someone you know is struggling with bulimia nervosa, call us today at . We’re available 24/7 to help you. Remember, it’s never too late to start living a healthy, active life.