Using APS Healthcare for Eating Disorder Treatment

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An eating disorder is any condition that affects your consumption of food enough to cause serious psychological and physical health issues. It is estimated that 24 million people suffer from eating disorders in America alone. Although many people have an eating disorder, few are able to recognize the signs and know when to act to seek treatment. Finding health insurance coverage for various eating disorder treatments can be difficult, but it is an essential step to take for recovery.

APS Healthcare is both a commercial and government healthcare provider, serving more than 14 million people throughout the United States. The company is based in White Plains, New York, with regional branches around the country. Although APS Healthcare began as a behavioral health company, it now offers total health treatment solutions for the health care market. The company is still known for its exemplary coverage of a wide variety of behavioral health treatment programs, so it is a popular option for those suffering from an eating disorder.

When it comes to using APS Healthcare for eating disorder treatment, you will first need to receive an official diagnosis from your general care provider. Once you have a diagnosis, there are a variety of treatment options that you might consider, depending on the nature and severity of your disorder. Some disorders benefit from extensive inpatient treatments, while others can be managed at home through regular outpatient care and social support.

Will APS Healthcare Cover Eating Disorder Treatment?

APS Healthcare covers a variety of behavioral health issues, including eating disorders. Coverage for specific treatment options will vary from individual to individual. While APS Healthcare policies on eating disorder coverage are generally the same nationwide, the number of treatment providers in your area may affect what is and isn’t covered. Above all, APS Healthcare strives to bridge the gap between healthcare providers and patients, facilitating communication at every step of the treatment process. The company offers person-centered services, making them easy to approach for information as you consider the various forms of treatment available to you.

For more information on APS Healthcare coverage for eating disorders, call our toll-free helpline at . Our team is available 24/7 to assist you with finding an eating disorder treatment provider in your area.

When seeking coverage for any medical condition, it is important to consider the fact that coverage largely depends on the reliability of the treatment. A well-known treatment that is commonly prescribed for your particular eating disorder stands a much better chance at full coverage than an experimental or lesser-known form of treatment. While you may still be eligible for specialty treatments, there will always be limitations on the amount that your APS Healthcare plan will cover.

How Much Will Eating Disorder Treatment Cost?

The Behavioral Health Plan through APS Healthcare offers coverage for a range of behavioral health issues. The company understands that mental illness affects all areas of life, and finding the right treatment options is essential to overall patient health. From preventative care to regular therapy, you can expect most standard procedures and therapies to be covered by your APS Healthcare policy. The cost will vary depending on the type of plan you have as well as your individual situation.

APS Healthcare utilizes Complex Care Coordination to provide comprehensive care that is designed to treat current illnesses while preventing unnecessary complications. The company estimates that as many as 50 percent of emergency room visits are avoidable. The APS Healthcare system utilizes various strategies to reduce waste within their network, keeping costs low for consumers and providers alike.

The exact amount individuals pay through APS Healthcare for eating disorder treatment can vary drastically from one person to another. The length of treatment, type of provider, and depth of services are all factors that can determine cost. In order to receive a final cost estimate, you need to consult with your chosen facility or provider; however, it is estimated that most eating disorder treatments without insurance cost between $500 and $2,000 per day. Your APS Healthcare plan can help you cover a significant portion of those costs, although you will still have to pay a monthly fee and relevant copayments.

For more information on costs with APS Healthcare and other providers, call our toll-free helpline at .

Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment vs. Outpatient Services

Inpatient treatment is often recommended for patients with eating disorders. In most inpatient eating disorder facilities, you will be given a private or shared room to stay in for the length of your stay and allowed to freely use the rest of the facilities. Some inpatient centers feel more like a spa than a medical facility, offering a relaxing atmosphere with plenty of calming activities in which to engage. As with an outpatient treatment program, you will have regularly scheduled appointments with behavioral specialists and counselors who can help you work through the cause of your illness. Unlike outpatient services, these appointments are generally held on a daily basis, making even a short stay at an inpatient treatment center a highly concentrated and powerful treatment experience.

Because the treatment experience at an inpatient facility is so densely packed with information and counseling sessions, it is possible for patients to make remarkable strides that they would not be able to make with a more relaxed treatment program. On the other hand, outpatient services can be a better option for those who do not have the time to spend away from work or school. Going away to an inpatient treatment center for an eating disorder is a commitment, but one that is well worth the time and effort if you are truly committed to recovery.

While all mental health problems are serious, eating disorders can be particularly dangerous and often life-threatening. In fact, anorexia has the highest mortality rate for all behavioral health issues, with estimates of those who die from the disorder reaching as high as 20 percent. This statistic is even more shocking in conjunction with the fact that the majority of those who suffer from eating disorders are adolescent and teenage girls.

When dealing with a health condition as severe and life-threatening as an eating disorder, immediate action is necessary. The sooner you seek treatment the better, and inpatient treatment is a great way to make up for lost time. Eating disorders involve a pattern of ingrained dysfunctional behavior that revolves around food. While other behavioral health issues may be easy to manage at home, sufferers of eating disorders are unable to avoid the issue of food as it affects so many aspects of daily life and well-being.

The major benefit of seeking treatment in an inpatient facility as opposed to outpatient care is that you can experience a structured and healthy environment from the start. Patients at an inpatient eating disorder clinic are monitored around the clock, and they have constant access to emotional support and psychological counseling. Sometimes the most difficult part of seeking treatment is to acknowledge that you need help from an outside source to manage the behavioral issues that are causing you harm.

For more information on the pros and cons of inpatient and outpatient treatments for eating disorders, call our toll-free helpline at . Our knowledgeable team is available 24/7 to take your call and connect you with the information and resources you need to make the right health care decision for you.

Dual Diagnosis Eating Disorder Therapy

Eating disorders are often comorbid (existing at the same time) with other serious mental and physical health issues. Because eating disorders can be hereditary, they can be connected to other hereditary illnesses as well. In fact, as many as 50 to 80 percent of the factors that contribute to eating disorders are hereditary.

Most eating disorders manifest during adolescence, around the same time that many common psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety begin to surface as well. The presence of these illnesses can often be hard to detect in conjunction with an eating disorder. Some of the most common eating disorders include:

Additionally, some of the most common issues that occur alongside eating disorders include:

The signs and symptoms of many of the disorders that are commonly comorbid with eating disorders can be very similar to those of the eating disorder itself. Some scientists believe that eating disorders are actually a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which causes the affected person to attempt to control their surroundings by practicing various compulsive rituals. In fact, one of the most common signs of an eating disorder is someone who always leaves the last bite of any meal. This seemingly innocuous act is actually a sign of a compulsive behavior that is designed to enact unnatural control over the consumption of food. In order to effectively treat any eating disorder, it is necessary to diagnose any comorbid illnesses and understand how they may affect the progress you are making with your recovery from the eating disorder itself.

Insurance vs. Private Pay for Eating Disorder Options

When it comes to insurance vs. private pay for eating disorder treatment options, it is almost always better to go through some type of insurance. The total cost of outpatient treatment of an eating disorder can cost as much as $100,000 per individual. Many families go into debt as they seek the treatment their loved one so desperately needs. APS Healthcare can help you get high-quality treatment without reaching financial ruin. While all consumers have to provide a reasonable copayment amount, the company’s waste-prevention strategies help to lower costs for everyone by eliminating unnecessary expenditures.

Private pay healthcare costs are generally far more than insurance copayments and other related costs. Insurance companies like APS Healthcare are able to negotiate a lower rate with health care providers because they purchase services in mass quantities. On the other hand, private payers are at the mercy of the health care market as prices fluctuate widely to adjust to various insurance adjustments and considerations. Those who pay for their health care out of pocket can expect to pay even more than insurance companies do for various treatments. Consumer credit lines to pay for healthcare costs offer only a temporary financial solution.

Whether you choose to go with service through APS Healthcare or another provider, it is always a good idea to examine your options. Call our toll-free helpline at for help reviewing your options and determining which treatment and coverage plan are right for you.