Using Community Health Choice for Anorexia Treatment

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Anorexia is an eating disorder that affects people of both genders and all ages. Four key features typically characterize anorexia:

If you believe that you or someone close to you may be suffering from anorexia, it is important to understand that you are not alone. Nearly half of the American population personally knows someone who has an eating disorder, according to the South Carolina Department of Mental Health. While the effects of anorexia can be serious, help is available. Your Community Health Choice plan may cover treatment.

For help in finding an anorexia treatment facility, please contact us at .

Does Community Health Choice Cover Anorexia Nervosa Rehab Programs?

The first step in determining whether Community Health Choice will cover an anorexia rehab program is to review your insurance policy. You may also wish to contact a representative of your insurance company to ask specific questions about your benefits coverage. Keep in mind that all policies are different. In reviewing your covered benefits, you will need to verify whether both inpatient and outpatient anorexia nervosa treatment programs are covered.

Inpatient care is the most intensive level of care. Patients actually reside in the facility while receiving treatment. One of the primary benefits of this is that patients are able to receive continual medical supervision. This can be particularly important if you or your loved one is suffering from severe effects of anorexia.

In an outpatient facility, patients are able to continue living at home. While this can provide the opportunity to remain with family and continue day-to-day activities, an outpatient facility will often not provide the same intensive level of care as an inpatient facility.

Inpatient Treatment Length Community Health Choice Will Cover

It will also be important to verify the length of care that your Community Health Choice policy will cover. Some of the most common anorexia programs last between 28 and 30 days, but longer treatment programs are available. The South Carolina Department of Mental Health reports that individuals with eating disorders require between three and six months of inpatient care. While it is understandable that you or your family member would want to return home as soon as possible, full recovery is the most important goal. In many cases, family members are able to visit patients in an inpatient program. Family members are also often able to participate in their loved one’s counseling, thus making living apart a little easier.

Community Health Choice Coverage for Anorexia Dual Diagnosis

The availability of dual diagnosis care is an important factor in selecting an anorexia treatment program that will meet your needs or those of your family member. The purpose of dual diagnosis care is to identify the presence of any co-occurring disorders such as depression or anxiety. In the event that substance abuse is an issue, it will be important for that to be addressed as well. For help in finding an anorexia treatment facility that offers dual diagnosis treatment, please do not hesitate to contact us at .

Specialty Anorexia Treatment Treatments for Using Community Health Choice

Due to the fact that anorexia involves the mind as well as the body, a comprehensive approach to treatment provides an optimal opportunity for recovery. An anorexia treatment facility will often be staffed with physicians as well as psychologists, dieticians and counselors. The support and participation of family members can also make a tremendous difference in the success of treatment.

The first goal of anorexia treatment is often to address any serious health issues that may be present and stabilize those issues. It is not uncommon for individuals suffering from anorexia to experience the following medical issues:

Hospitalization may be necessary if you or your loved one is seriously malnourished or experiencing severe distress or depression. Nutritional treatment is also a critical component of an anorexia treatment program. A dietician or nutritionist will often work with patients to teach them about proper nutrition and healthy eating. Additionally, a nutritionist will work with you or your family member to develop and follow healthy meal plans that include a sufficient amount of calories to reach and then maintain a healthy weight.

Counseling and therapy are also important in any anorexia treatment program. One of the goals of counseling is to assist patients in changing how they think about themselves and food. As part of therapy, counselors will work with patients to help them in identifying the negative feelings and thoughts that have driven their eating disorder and replace those negative thoughts with beliefs that are healthier and less distorted. Another important goal of therapy is to teach patients how to cope with issues that could lead to relapse. Such issues might include relationship problems and stress.

Patients will also learn how to avoid triggers that could cause them to relapse into unhealthy behavior once they leave treatment. Group, individual and family counseling are all part of a comprehensive anorexia treatment program. By participating in counseling sessions, family members will learn how to provide their loved ones with the support they need for sustained recovery.

Depending on the individual needs of patients, medications may also be used in the treatment of anorexia. Such medications may include mood stabilizers and antidepressants. Medications are more likely to be used when it is necessary to treat co-occurring disorders such as anxiety disorders or depression.

For help in locating an anorexia treatment program or finding help in treating eating disorder problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at . We are always here to speak with you and assist you in finding an anorexia treatment program for yourself or a loved one.

How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For

It is completely understandable to be concerned about how you are going to pay for anorexia treatment. If you find that your Community Health Choice plan does not cover all of the treatment that you or your loved need, it is important to be aware that other options are available. The important thing to focus on is finding the help necessary.

The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reports that the mortality rate for persons with anorexia is 4 percent. It does not have to reach this dire point for you. If your insurance plan does not cover all the treatment required, other resources are available to help you or your loved one obtain the care you need. For instance, you may be able to finance treatment through your rehabilitation facility. To learn more about the benefits of using Community Health Choice for eating disorder treatment, call our 24/7 helpline today.

Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Programs

Verifying your level of insurance coverage is a critical first step toward obtaining the anorexia treatment needed. Once you have ascertained the level of coverage you have, you will then be in a better position to identify a treatment program for eating disorder. Remember that while numerous rehab facilities are available, it is important to identify a program that specializes in the treatment of anorexia. The entire body is affected by anorexia, and an inpatient treatment program will often be able to provide the most comprehensive level of care.

Furthermore, individuals who suffer from anorexia may also often suffer from a variety of co-occurring disorders. Locating a treatment facility that provides a comprehensive level of care that will address all health issues will provide you or your loved one with the best chance for a successful recovery. While anorexia is a serious condition and can lead to severe consequences, it is possible become healthy once again. Call us at for more information.