Using Community Health Choice for Eating Disorder Treatment

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Eating disorders are serious and sometimes fatal mental illnesses that affect millions of men and women each year. Community Health Choice is the premiere nonprofit health care provider in southeastern Texas. The company operates locally, serving customers and helping them connect with physicians in the surrounding area. This guide will assist you in better understanding how to receive Community Health Choice coverage for eating disorder treatment. Only 10 percent of those with an eating disorder actually get the treatment they need to recover. By seeking treatment, you can begin the journey to total recovery.

It is important to remember that there are many different eating disorders and the symptoms range from obvious to subtle. It isn’t always easy to tell if a friend or a loved one has an eating disorder from the outside looking in. Even those who suffer from an eating disorder can have a difficult time recognizing the disruptive patterns within their own behavior.

An eating disorder is generally characterized as an unhealthy relationship with food that causes severe physical and mental distress and a preoccupation with appearance or weight. Although many people make the mistake of assuming that eating disorders are based in superficial concerns, the true nature of a clinical eating disorder goes much deeper. Most disordered eating patterns are the result of an attempt to gain control over your life. As so many of the facets of modern life, such as work and social relationships, are completely out of your control, it can be tempting to turn to things you believe can be controlled. While it may seem like eating is something that can be carefully managed and regulated, overregulation causes serious damage.

An anorexic may attempt to exercise extreme discipline over her calorie consumption in an effort to feel powerful. On the other hand, a bulimic may attempt to control his body by eating the foods he wants in massive quantities, and then purging to avoid absorbing the calories. Any time you disrupt your body’s natural functions in an attempt to control or manage your weight, there is a good chance you have an eating disorder.

Will Community Health Choice Cover Eating Disorder Treatment?

Community Health Choice is a major provider network, working with more than 8,000 separate health care companies in the southeastern Texas area. The government funds community Health Choice, so it provides some of the most comprehensive health care coverage on the market for a variety of physical and mental illnesses.

From outpatient care to extensive inpatient treatment, you will be able to find a variety of options for eating disorder treatment within the Community Health Choice network. The company does offer coverage for most inpatient treatment programs, but those plans depend on whether you choose an in-network provider. With these providers, you can expect to pay a co-pay of $400 per day for up to five days. After that, all coverage decisions will vary from individual to individual.

How Much Will Eating Disorder Treatment Cost?

Eating disorder treatment costs vary widely from one center to the next. Community Health Choice allows its customers to seek treatment at a variety of in-network facilities, so your treatment cost will depend upon the individual treatment center you choose. The type of treatment you receive will also have a large impact on the total cost.

Specialty treatments often cost more than traditional forms of treatments, in large part due to their rarity. Inpatient treatments also tend to be significantly more expensive than those of outpatient programs. Inpatient treatment centers provide around-the-clock care to all patients, so the increased consumption of resources will necessarily raise your health care costs. On the other hand, outpatient services extend time-limited resources, making them far more affordable.

It is estimated that outpatient treatment for anorexia alone can cost up to $100,000 per individual. Through its affordable plans and various coverage options, Community Health Choice attempts to make the cost of eating disorder treatment more affordable for everyone. If you or a loved one is suffering from an eating disorder and the potential cost of treatment is keeping you from getting help, call our helpline at . We are available 24/7 to inform you about the various financing options that can make eating disorder treatment accessible and affordable, regardless of your budget.

Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment vs. Outpatient Services

In addition to the cost difference between inpatient and outpatient services, there are some other things to take into consideration. Inpatient treatment options are often chosen above outpatient services because they are so remarkably effective. An inpatient treatment facility geared specifically towards the treatment of eating disorders provides the opportunity for patients to experience around-the-clock attention from highly trained staff members. Outpatient therapy can provide you with some great coping skills, but at the end of the day, you will still be returning home to your regular environment to put them to use. An inpatient treatment stay lets you recover in an environment that is wholly dedicated to making those who suffer from eating disorders as comfortable as possible. From regular weigh-ins to 24/7 access to counselors and medical professionals, inpatient treatment centers are a safe and effective environment in which to recover.

On the other hand, outpatient services are often more convenient for those who seek treatment early and wish to recover at home. If you or a loved one is still in the early stages of an eating disorder’s development, outpatient treatment may be sufficient. You will still have access to trained therapists who can help you learn new ways to relate to food and even visit your home to check on your progress. Outpatient care allows you to receive treatment without missing out on school or work, and it may be recommended prior to inpatient treatment. Outpatient facilities can also be more convenient in terms of location since there are more of them available in any given area.

For more information on the differences between inpatient and outpatient treatment, contact our toll-free helpline at . We are available every day to take your call and give you the information you need to connect with eating disorder treatment providers in your area. Whether you choose Community Health Choice coverage or another health care provider, recovery from an eating disorder begins with beginning a treatment program that works for you.

Dual Diagnosis Eating Disorder Therapy

Eating disorders are commonly diagnosed alongside another serious condition. Nearly half of all people suffering from eating disorders also present the signs of clinical depression. Although it is often unclear if the two conditions are independent or if one causes the other, treating both is essential if there is to be total recovery from the eating disorder.

Before beginning any therapeutic treatment, you should first undergo a thorough psychological evaluation. Your doctor will likely want to test you for other mental health illnesses commonly associated with eating disorders. Some of the most common comorbid conditions include:

Dealing with an eating disorder is a harrowing enough experience on its own. When a secondary condition is introduced, its symptoms can increase the severity of those related to the eating disorder itself. It isn’t uncommon for heightened levels of anxiety, low self-esteem and lethargy to be present in those with an eating disorder, but the disorder can often cover up a true secondary condition.

Clinical depression is more than just the typical feelings of sadness and lethargy associated with an eating disorder. Severe depression can lead to incidences of self-harm, and it is possible that some of the behaviors associated with the eating disorder are an extension of self-harming behavior. In either case, it is important to let your doctor know about all symptoms that are affecting your ability to cope with daily life. Even if you don’t think a certain symptom has anything to do with your eating disorder, it could be related to a comorbid mental health condition that could negatively impact your treatment progress. To find help in treating eating disorder problems for you or your loved ones, call our 24/7 hotline today.

Insurance vs. Private Pay for Eating Disorder Options

With rising health care costs, many individuals choose to forego health insurance altogether and pay out of pocket for their eating disorder treatments. Eating disorders generally require long-term care even long after your disorder is in remission, so you could end up paying for treatment for years to come. It is usually in your best interest to secure a comprehensive behavioral health insurance policy through a company such as Community Health Choice.

Insurance policies do require a monthly payment and often sizable copays when a treatment is settled upon, but those costs are usually significantly less than what you would pay without insurance. If you are uninsured, you may be able to pay for treatment by securing a line of consumer credit that is designed for medical treatments and procedures. While these credit lines work similarly to most major lines of credit, they do tend to have lower interest rates. The interest rate is still largely dependent upon your credit rating, so this is generally not the best idea for anyone with a rating that is lower than average.

Another option for those without insurance is to find out if your chosen treatment facility offers any charitable treatment options or payment plans. Many facilities, such as emergency rooms, offer extended payment plans for patients without insurance. These plans can allow you to pay in installments as low as a few dollars per month, but failure to pay off the total balance can result in damage to your credit rating. For this reason, the most reliable way to secure affordable coverage for your eating disorder treatment is to purchase a health insurance policy that offers generous coverage for behavioral health issues.

Twenty-four million Americans deal with an eating disorder each year. The recovery process is never easy, and many of the treatment options present complications themselves. The important thing to remember is that you don’t have to begin the treatment process alone. There are numerous resources available to help guide you through the process of seeking treatment for your eating disorder. For more information on how to make your Community Health Choice plan work for your, call our toll-free helpline at , and get started on the road to eating disorder recovery today.