Using ComPsych for Anorexia Treatment
Anorexia nervosa is one of the most common behavioral health issues in the world. Eating disorders can affect every aspect of your life, so seeking treatment is essential to maintaining your long-term health and well-being. This guide will show you how ComPsych can provide you or a loved one with the mental health services needed to recover from anorexia nervosa.
Using ComPsych for Anorexia Treatment
As the single largest Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider in the world, ComPsych is an invaluable company for employees and employers alike. The company offers integrated behavioral health and wellness services as well as a variety of other services designed to improve overall employee health and well-being. ComPsych is part of the GuidanceResources human resources umbrella, and more than 20,000 employers around the world use ComPsych to provide crucial mental health services to their employees.
Does ComPsych Cover Anorexia Nervosa Rehab Programs?
ComPsych offers comprehensive coverage through a variety of programs, and coverage varies from employer to employer. Anorexia nervosa is one of the most common behavioral health issues. Eating disorders affect up to 24 million people each year, and they represent the third most common chronic illness among teenagers. Anorexia nervosa is a serious medical issue and can lead to dangerous and often fatal complications due to the effects of malnutrition, so most employers provide comprehensive coverage to help their employees and their dependents get the care they need to recover.
Inpatient Treatment Length ComPsych Will Cover
When it comes to inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa, many doctors recommend a longer treatment stay. The most common lengths of inpatient treatment at a dedicated eating disorder clinic or other treatment facility are 28, 30, 60, and 90 days. Depending on the severity of the disorder and the individual’s circumstances, the amount of treatment time your ComPsych policy will cover may vary significantly. As a general rule, the shorter the length of treatment is, the easier it is to get covered by your insurance policy, although your doctor’s recommendations will override this rule if necessary. If a doctor believes a 90-day treatment program would be more beneficial for you than a shorter program, your ComPsych agent is more likely to cover that length of stay. While longer stays are more expensive, they can lead to greater long-term recovery rates, decreasing the likelihood of relapse and the need for further inpatient care, so most insurance companies are willing to cover them.
While many people are hesitant to enroll in a treatment program that lasts longer than 90 days, your ComPsych insurance agent may actually recommend a longer stay. Inpatient treatment provides a much-needed opportunity to surround yourself with people and events that are conducive to your recovery goals. The real world, however, is filled with stresses that can trigger a relapse into your eating disorder. A majority of those who suffer from anorexia nervosa report that they minimize their caloric intakes as a means of gaining a sense of control over their lives. From problems at work to tense relationships with friends and family, life can get overwhelming, and you may feel as if you are lost and adrift without any means of getting back to normal. The specialists at your chosen inpatient treatment center understand this and can help you learn new ways of coping with the stresses that led you to destructive behavior patterns in the first place.
ComPsych Coverage for Anorexia Dual Diagnosis
Anorexia nervosa often manifests in conjunction with other issues. An alarming 50 percent of those who suffer from anorexia nervosa also meet the diagnostic criteria for clinical depression. Anorexia nervosa and clinical depression result in many of the same symptoms, so it’s no surprise that they have such a high comorbidity rate. Some of the most common symptoms manifested by people with both disorders include:
- Depression
- Feelings of helplessness
- Anxiety
- Feelings of being out of control
- Loss of or increased appetite
Like any good healthcare provider, ComPsych understands that behavioral health issues are often intrinsically linked. It is usually impossible, and at the very least not beneficial, to treat one disorder while neglecting the rest. Your anorexia nervosa may be primary to a secondary behavioral health issue or mental health condition. ComPsych insurance coverage offers generous coverage for a variety of behavioral health networks, and it is relatively easy to find a ComPsych specialist in your area who has experience with the disordered behavior you or a loved one is experiencing.
The most common form of coverage for ComPsych healthcare customers is behavioral counseling and therapy from a licensed professional who works in the company network within your area. The company also offers coverage for a variety of treatment programs at various specialized treatment facilities around the country.
Specialty Anorexia Treatment Treatments Using ComPsych
Anorexia nervosa is most commonly treated through a combination of inpatient care and long-term counseling and psychological intervention. While there is no cure for anorexia, millions of anorexics have made the successful step into recovery, and so can you. ComPsych will work with your healthcare provider to determine which method of treatment will be the most effective for you. While coverage varies depending on the individual situation and an official diagnosis by a licensed medical professional, most ComPsych patients can expect to receive coverage for anorexia nervosa treatment. Specialized treatment centers are viewed as one of the most effective forms of treatment for eating disorders, boasting impressive rates of long-term recovery.
How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For
Even with a well-known insurance company like ComPsych, there still may be things that your insurance policy won’t cover. As few as 35 percent of those who seek treatment for their eating disorders do so in a specialized facility, in part due to insurance hurdles. Some common examples of programs not covered by ComPsych insurance include new programs that are still in their beta testing phase, academic studies, controversial medications, and short or extended treatment stays that fall under the 30-day or over the 90-day treatment range.
Your ComPsych policy will also determine which treatment centers you are eligible to attend, because some facilities do not meet the standards of care held by the company. In general, most insurance companies will only provide coverage for treatment at facilities with licensed medical professionals. Privately run operations are sometimes covered, but well-known treatment networks are far more likely to be eligible for coverage.
In the event that your doctor recommends a treatment that is not covered by your ComPsych insurance policy, you can consult your chosen facility for information about financial aid. Many new and innovative facilities, particularly academic and research institutions, are willing to provide significant discounts to patients. If you are unable to get coverage for a stay at an anorexia nervosa treatment center, for example, consider attending a facility staffed by resident doctors. These facilities often offer services at reduced costs, because they provide the chance for new doctors to learn and experience patient care. To find help in treating eating disorder problems for you or your loved ones, call our 24/7 helpline today.
Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Programs
To find out exactly what your ComPsych insurance will cover, the best option is to speak with a ComPsych representative in your area. Your agent will work with you in conjunction with your regular health care provider to determine the best and most effective course of action for your anorexia nervosa treatment. Whether you and your medical team decide on a lengthy stay at a specialized anorexia eating disorder clinic or regular counseling sessions, your individual medical history will help determine what is covered.
The process of getting your anorexia nervosa treatment covered by your insurance can seem daunting at first, but ComPsych prides itself on making care accessible and understandable to its customers. If your health care is provided through your employer, speak with your company’s human resources representative for help filling out the necessary forms to apply for coverage.
Working with your doctor is another important step to take when getting covered. Doctors can intercede on your behalf with your ComPsych representative, explaining why you need the treatment options they have recommended and why they should be covered. Speak with an insurance representative today to find out about the services and coverage rates that you are personally eligible for, and get started on the road to recovery from anorexia nervosa. Call for more information about the benefits of using ComPsych for eating disorder treatment.