Using ComPsych for Bulimia Treatment

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A startling 24 million people in the United States experience the devastating effects of eating disorders. Bulimia is a serious disorder that is characterized by a cycle of binging and purging in which the person consumes excessive quantities of food and then attempts to purge that food through vomiting, laxatives or excessive exercise. This cycle can turn deadly, depriving your body of essential nutrients and causing damage to the esophageal lining and mouth. Because bulimia nervosa is such a widespread and serious disorder, most insurance plans cover at least basic treatments for it.

ComPsych is widely regarded as an industry leader in providing employees with insurance against various behavioral health problems. ComPsych is more than just an insurance company — it offers the largest Employee Assistance Program (EPA) in the world. The EAP helps connect employers and employees with highly skilled behavioral specialists in the ComPsych network who can provide essential treatment for bulimia nervosa and other related health issues. If you need help in finding any information on ComPsych coverage in your area, simply call our toll-free number at .

Does ComPsych Cover Bulimia Nervosa Rehab Programs?

Rehabilitation programs are essential to recovery from bulimia nervosa. ComPsych takes a two-pronged approach to patient rehabilitation by offering two types of rehab programs: the Managed Behavioral Health program and the Disability Assist program. The Managed Behavioral Health program includes quality care for a variety of behavioral health issues, giving you the chance to work with highly trained behavioral specialists and receive detailed monitoring on a regular basis.

While ComPsych provides employers with its own in-house specialists, cutting costs for employers and employees alike, the company may also refer you to out-of-network specialists. If your ComPsych policy does not cover in-house treatment, help is still available.

Inpatient Treatment Length ComPsych Will Cover

Inpatient treatment is the main way to care for individuals with severe mental health problems such as bulimia. Because bulimia is easily triggered by environmental factors like stress and the availability of food, checking into a supervised environment with around-the-clock care and support is a great way to begin the healing process. While ComPsych’s coverage policies depend on the individual’s situation, most inpatient treatment programs last from 30 to 90 days. In extreme cases, 180-day treatment programs may be required to help you get back on your feet. The length of treatment depends on a doctor’s recommendation, so coverage will vary from patient to patient.

You doctor will consider factors such as your lifestyle and the severity of your disorder in deciding which treatment length is right for you. Eating disorders are serious and often life-threatening. It is not uncommon for severe cases to be treated with inpatient stays of upwards of 90 days. A long stay gives you plenty of time to recover in a safe and sheltering environment, with medical professionals being available to offer help at any time, and it also gives you a longer opportunity to adjust to better eating habits. The recovery process usually begins during your stay at an inpatient treatment center, but it doesn’t stop there. ComPsych hires a variety of specialists who can provide you with regular follow-up care after you return home.

ComPsych Coverage for Bulimia Dual Diagnosis

Bulimia is often comorbid with other mental health conditions. In fact, nearly 50 percent of those suffering from eating disorders, such as bulimia or anorexia, also meet the criteria for clinical depression. As opposed to the state of sadness or apathy that all people experience occasionally, clinical depression is a prolonged period of disinterest and sadness and is usually accompanied by physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive problems and fatigue.

In many cases of dual diagnosis, it is difficult to determine whether one disorder causes the other or they’re merely interdependent. In either case, it is imperative that you be treated for all comorbid conditions to ensure a full recovery. Some of the most common conditions associated with bulimia nervosa include:

ComPsych offers an extensive system of behavioral health programs and has a diverse team of in-house behavioral health specialists who are trained in the latest psychological care. From depression to eating disorders, the company provides comprehensive coverage for a variety of health problems.

If a ComPsych specialist in your area is not able to meet your specific treatment needs, the company will help you locate a skilled specialist who can provide adequate treatment. Most insurance companies are willing to help you receive treatment for all your mental health conditions because they understand that what affects the mind affects the body as well. Preventative care goes a long way toward ensuring that you get well and stay well, so your physician may even recommend that you take steps to preemptively fight one or more of the conditions that are commonly associated with bulimia. For help determining ComPsych coverage for a bulimia dual diagnosis, call our toll-free helpline at today.

Specialty Bulimia Treatment: Treatments Using ComPsych

Bulimia is a complex mental health issue, and bulimia treatment is one of the most promising areas of research in psychology. Though a variety of innovative treatments are available to bulimics, the newest treatments are not always covered by your insurance policy. Fortunately, ComPsych offers more treatment options than many other providers. Treatment coverage will vary from one patient to another and one area to another, but your ComPsych caseworker should be able to help you stay on top of the latest and most effective specialty treatments available. Some popular bulimia specialty treatments include animal-assisted therapy, sports and recreational therapy, group counseling and 12-step recovery programs.

How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For

Even if your ComPsych insurance policy won’t cover all the treatments you need, you can still apply for financial assistance or opt to go on a payment plan for your chosen treatment. Payment plans are a popular option for inpatient rehab stays because the cost for longer stays can get quite high without insurance coverage. Your ComPsych program may not cover some experimental treatments, but you can often apply for a line of medical credit that will let you break up your payments into manageable chunks over several months or years.

Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Centers

Because ComPsych functions slightly differently from most healthcare providers, it’s important to speak with your company’s human resources professional to determine the extent of your coverage. Call our toll-free helpline at for help in verifying insurance coverage and finding help in treating eating disorder problems that are in the ComPsych network. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to take your call.

An estimated 5 to 10 percent of bulimics die each year, largely because of insufficient or nonexistent treatment. You can prevent the serious and life-threatening health issues caused by bulimia nervosa by seeking the essential medical care provided by companies such as ComPsych. The sooner you receive treatment for your eating disorder, the better your chances of recovery. Call now.