Using FirstCare for Anorexia Treatment

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FirstCare is an insurance company that was established in Amarillo, Texas, through the High Plains Baptist Hospital in 1985. The plan is dedicated to providing high-quality health care that is affordable and accessible to the Texas community. FirstCare offers a variety of medical coverage plans for residents throughout Amarillo and numerous other Texas cities. The plan is known for its solid behavioral health program and cooperation with government-funded programs like CHIP and Medicaid.

FirstCare acknowledges the American Psychological Association (APA) recommendations with regard to treatment of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. FirstCare patients can expect top-grade coverage for the medical and psychological services they need to recover from their eating disorder.

Anorexia nervosa is a very serious mental condition that affects up to 3.7 percent of women in their life. Men can also suffer from anorexia, but the disorder is much more common among women. The signs of anorexia include:

If you see any of these signs and symptoms in yourself or someone you know, consider getting help as soon as possible. Anorexia is an extremely serious medical condition with a high fatality rate. The longer disordered eating behaviors are allowed to progress without treatment, the more entrenched they become. While it is possible to recover even if the disorder has gone untreated for years, your best chance at total recovery comes with seeking intensive treatment as soon as you notice the symptoms of an eating disorder. Call our toll-free helpline at for help getting treatment today.

Does FirstCare Cover Anorexia Nervosa Rehab Programs?

FirstCare covers a variety of inpatient and outpatient mental health services for its plan members. Your exact coverage will depend on the plan you purchase and whether you benefit from a government assistance program like CHIP or Medicaid. In general, FirstCare eating disorder coverage includes most rehabilitation programs within its extended provider network.

Rehabilitation could be as simple as a regularly scheduled counseling session with a licensed therapist or as complex as intensive inpatient care. The rehabilitation process depends entirely upon the severity of the disorder and the needs and wants of the affected individual. Many people don’t seek treatment because they don’t want to feel out of control, but anorexia rehab is actually the first step to regaining control of your life and eating habits.

Inpatient Treatment Length FirstCare Will Cover

Inpatient treatment lengths vary between 30, 60 and 90 days. Some extreme cases require treatment lengths of more than 90 days. Inpatient treatment centers give you the chance to work on your recovery in a sheltered environment. Anorexia is made worse by the pressures and stresses that occur in daily life. If your work or school environment leaves you feeling out of control, it is likely that you will turn to controlling your eating patterns to regain a sense of power in your life.

Inpatient treatment is beneficial because you will have 24/7 access to sympathetic and highly trained medical professionals. Most inpatient treatment centers have recreational facilities that allow you to put your focus on something besides eating, and regularly scheduled meals make it impossible to exercise unhealthy control over your caloric intake. These treatment centers also provide access to nutritionists who can help you learn to prepare nutritious meals at home and rediscover a healthy, beneficial relationship with food.

Another aspect of inpatient treatment is the interpersonal relationships you will form with other patients. Eating disorders can leave you feeling alone and misunderstood. Being surrounded by others going through the same recovery process will help you know that you are not alone.

FirstCare Coverage for Anorexia Dual Diagnosis

Anorexia is commonly associated with one or more comorbid, or simultaneously existing, conditions. Anorexia nervosa is a mental illness caused by a variety of factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental stresses and life experience. The underlying biological conditions that can make someone more disposed to being anorexic, such as being female or having a genetic history of eating disorders, are often the same conditions that lead to other mental illnesses. Anorexics are 50 times more likely to commit suicide than the general population due to the severe mental health complications caused by the disorder.

Some of the most common conditions that occur with anorexia include:

In a recent study, as many as 24 percent of those with bipolar disorder also reported having an eating disorder. It is obvious that anorexia and other mental health conditions are intrinsically linked, but whether anorexia is caused by other conditions or vice versa depends on the individual.

Whatever the cause of your comorbid conditions, FirstCare offers some of the most comprehensive behavioral health coverage you can find in the Texas region. From psychiatrists and counselors to medical doctors who can help you manage the physical symptoms of your disorder, you will be in good hands with the FirstCare network of professionals.

For more information on treating the conditions that may occur with anorexia nervosa, call our toll-free helpline at . We are available 24/7 to provide you with the information on how to find help in treating eating disorder and take control of your life again.

Specialty Anorexia Treatment Treatments Using FirstCare

Anorexia is a complex mental disorder that manifests both physically and mentally. The emotional toll of anorexia can be the most damaging, even above its physical symptoms. Your FirstCare insurance policy may cover new specialty treatments that can help you manage your disorder and recover sooner. A significant amount of research shows that specialty treatments like massage therapy, sports therapy, equine-assisted therapy and other recreational forms of therapy can help treat some of the underlying psychological and emotional issues behind eating disorders.

Although eating disorders are every bit as real as any other form of illness, emotional issues and personal circumstances can make them worse. As many as 90 percent of those who suffer from an eating disorder are women, which can largely be explained due to the extreme societal pressures on women to conform to a specific body type and look. From fashion magazines to clothing sizes, seemingly endless triggers can send you into a relapse of anorexia nervosa even after you have begun to recover.

Specialty treatments are often used as a form of long-term care to help manage external stress and replace an unhealthy self-image with positive self-esteem. By investing your time and energy in healthy pursuits that focus on a strong and healthy body, you can help replace some of your old and damaging attitudes toward food and weight.

How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For

If your FirstCare health coverage plan does not cover a particular form of treatment, you should consider working with your doctor or treatment facility to file an appeal. Most doctors’ offices have experience dealing with insurance companies. Even a reputable company like FirstCare is motivated to cover only the treatments that can be proven effective and necessary. For this reason, many new and experimental treatments are not covered upon the first request. If your doctor truly believes that your chosen form of treatment is necessary for your anorexia recovery, he or she can write a letter or make a phone call to speak with your FirstCare representative and make a case for the treatment being covered. To learn more about the benefits of using FirstCare for eating disorder treatment, give us a call today.

Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Programs

FirstCare insurance coverage is some of the best you can buy, making the highest-quality care affordable and accessible to all individuals and families in the state of Texas. From preventative care and screenings to long-term counseling and medical treatment for eating disorders, you have a variety of treatment options and a wide network of health care providers to choose from.

If you want more help finding alternative ways to cover what insurance doesn’t pay for and finding a treatment provider, call our toll-free helpline at today. We would be happy to connect you with treatment resources in your area.