Using FirstCare for Eating Disorder Treatment
FirstCare is a Texas-based health maintenance organization that serves the insurance needs of individuals who reside in the state of Texas. FirstCare takes pride in providing affordable insurance options for individuals looking for high-quality coverage. FirstCare offers HMO plans to business owners and individuals and has a network of medical practitioners who offer a variety of services to clients, including long-term care services, rehabilitation services and behavioral health services.
Eating disorders affect approximately 8 million people in the United States, according to the South Carolina Mental Health Department. Although the disorder more often affects women, between 10 and 15 percent of those with eating disorders are men.
If you are suffering from an eating disorder, it is important to get help as soon as possible because the long-term effects of an eating disorder can be extremely dangerous. If you are a FirstCare member, you’ll be happy to know that the HMO has a host of providers throughout Texas that treat individuals suffering from eating disorders. To get help for your eating disorder or to discuss your treatment options, give us a call today at .
Using FirstCare for Eating Disorder Treatment
If you have a policy through FirstCare, your insurance representative will work on your behalf in order to help you find practitioners who can diagnose and treat your disease. If your primary provider deems you eligible for eating disorder treatment, your FirstCare representative will let you know exactly which types of treatment your policy covers and will connect you with health care professionals in your area.
If you have an eating disorder and have not received treatment yet, it is important that you do so right away. Some eating disorder symptoms that require medical attention include:
- Extreme loss of weight
- Low immunity
- Dry mouth
- Pale skin
- Weakening muscles
These are signs that your body is not functioning as it should, which is why medical intervention is necessary. It is also common for individuals suffering from eating disorders to suffer from other behavioral disorders, including anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. During your evaluation, a medical professional will determine if you display the risk factors associated with having an eating disorder. Some of these factors include:
- Poor self-esteem
- Distorted body image
- Obsession with your outer appearance
- Obsessive fear of gaining even small amounts of weight
Your mental health practitioner will also check to see if any other behavioral conditions are present that may impact your treatment. After you receive a diagnosis, you can start receiving treatment as soon as possible. Through FirstCare eating disorder coverage, you will have access to treatment that allows you to address the underlying causes of your eating disorder while also treating the physical symptoms of this disease.
Will FirstCare Cover Eating Disorder Treatment?
FirstCare gives you access to providers who offer inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services. In fact, FirstCare has partnerships with several rehabilitation centers in the state of Texas, some of which offer services specific to those suffering from eating disorders. If you are eligible to receive rehabilitation services, you can choose a treatment center that specializes in eating disorders or you can choose any center that accepts FirstCare coverage.
Keep in mind that in order for FirstCare to cover your treatment, you must choose providers and treatment centers that accept FirstCare. If your provider or treatment center is not affiliated with FirstCare, the services you receive to treat your eating disorder will not be covered.
Through FirstCare, you’ll have access to a host of experienced professionals in Texas, including:
- Doctors
- Specialty nurses
- Physical therapists
- Nutritionists
- Social workers
- Drug addiction counselors
You’ll have access to virtually any type of professional you need, so it is not necessary for you to spend additional money in order to treat your eating disorder if you are a FirstCare member. Give us a call today at to discuss on how to find help in treating eating disorder problems and to get the right options for your condition.
How Much Will Eating Disorder Treatment Cost?
Treating an eating disorder can be very expensive because so much is involved in the treatment process. Your physical and mental needs must be addressed, and if your condition is severe or life-threatening, you might need around-the-clock care. Treatment for an eating disorder can exceed $100,000 per month, according to the South Carolina Mental Health Department, but the average cost for treatment on an inpatient basis is $30,000 per month. If you use FirstCare to find providers that can treat your eating disorder, your overall cost will be much lower.
Your primary care provider and medical practitioner will help you determine the extent of treatment you need. Through FirstCare, you’ll be responsible for paying a deductible for each visit, which can be as high as $100, depending on your plan. You should also take into account that ongoing care will be necessary for at least six to 12 months after your initial treatment period ends. Speak to your FirstCare representative to discuss your coverage options and determine the exact cost of your treatment.
Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment vs. Outpatient Services
If you need access to medical professionals 24 hours a day, an inpatient eating disorder treatment program would be best for you. Inpatient programs allow you to leave behind the stresses of the outside world, giving you the mental space to focus fully on healing your condition. Everything you need to recover from your eating disorder will be in one location, and you will also have the support of others at your treatment facility who are dealing with the same situation.
Inpatient facilities are highly beneficial because they allow trained professionals to monitor your eating habits at all times, making it less likely that you’ll relapse during your stay. Most inpatient treatment centers also assign patients case managers who can encourage them throughout the treatment process.
Outpatient services are suitable for those who can still manage their day-to-day lives. If you’ve managed to maintain control of your household, keep your job and function normally in society while dealing with your eating disorder, an outpatient service might be all you need to recover fully. Even if you do not receive around-the-clock care during treatment, you’ll still have access to all of the medical professionals and resources you need to get well. As an outpatient client, you can still attend group functions in order to gain support from others in similar situations. Outpatient care is much less restrictive, so you’ll have a lot of freedom during your treatment.
Dual Diagnosis Eating Disorder Therapy
Because eating disorders can have such a debilitating affect on the body, many of those who are diagnosed with an eating disorder also suffer from other conditions. Thankfully, FirstCare has a long list of providers that can help you deal with any health issues that might arise due to your eating disorder. Some of the issues that individuals with eating disorders face include:
- Tooth decay
- Skin conditions
- Thyroid problems
- Anemia
- Malnutrition
- Dehydration
Most treatment facilities are aware that these conditions and many more often coexist with eating disorders. If you suffer from any of these ailments, you can receive treatment for them while undergoing treatment for your eating disorder.
At most rehabilitation facilities, practitioners generally work together in order to provide the best care for the patient. For example, your primary practitioner might refer you to a dentist affiliated with FirstCare if you have tooth decay, or a dermatologist within the network who can monitor your skin condition.
It is also common for sufferers to develop heart ailments. In fact, 20 percent of the individuals who ultimately succumb to the disease die of heart problems or suicide, according to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa. FirstCare can connect you with practitioners who specialize in heart health and with doctors who specialize in treating those who suffer from severe bouts of depression.
Don’t suffer from an eating disorder any longer than you have to. Call us today at .
Insurance vs. Private Pay for Eating Disorder Options
Before deciding on your course of treatment, it is best to find out exactly what your insurance plan covers. It is important to contact your FirstCare insurance representative to ensure you have the right policy. Multiple policies are available through FirstCare, and not all of them cover inpatient eating disorder treatment. You should also note that if you choose a facility that offers additional services that are not covered under your specific policy, you will have to pay for those services out of your own pocket.
Private care can be very expensive, so it is best to find FirstCare practitioners who offer all the services you need in order to minimize your financial burden. Sticking with FirstCare providers is also important because FirstCare will be able to help you find specialists who can help you recover as quickly as possible should any complications arise during your treatment. Because private facilities generally don’t have access to a large network of medical practitioners, sticking with FirstCare treatment facilities and FirstCare providers is the best way to ensure you receive the comprehensive care you need to get well.
It is also important to note that private-pay facilities can raise the cost of your treatment at any time. As a FirstCare member, you will not have to worry about unexpected charges. Your insurance representative will let you know exactly what charges you will be responsible for before you begin treatment.
FirstCare has a total of four offices in the state of Texas, but the practitioners affiliated with the FirstCare network are available throughout the state. FirstCare has hundreds of practitioners, dozens of hospitals and dozens of treatment facilities listed within its network, so you can feel confident knowing you will get the care you need regardless of where you live in the Texas area.
If you are ready to change your life and treat your eating disorder, we are available to assist you 24/7. Give us a call today at to discuss your eating disorder treatment options and get started on the path to recovery.