Using Group and Pensions Administrators for Bulimia Treatment
Estimates show that up to 24 million individuals suffer from an eating disorder each year in the United States. Finding health care coverage for bulimia treatment can be difficult, and companies that make the process straightforward and simple are rare. Fortunately, Group and Pensions Administrators is one of those companies.
As the largest privately owned and operated insurance company in the Southwest, GPA is able to offer a wide variety of services and coverage plans to its customers. From the Nurse Navigator support system to customized wellness programs that are designed to meet the needs of each customer, the company provides some of the best coverage for bulimia treatment available in the southwestern United States.
Does Group and Pensions Administrators Cover Bulimia Nervosa Rehab Programs?
You will need to contact a Group and Pensions Administrators representative to find out if your specific plan offers coverage for bulimia nervosa rehab programs. The company does offer a behavioral health program, so you may receive coverage for bulimia treatment, provided you have an official diagnosis from your physician. Through the HealthWatch program, GPA offers behavioral change interventions that enable health care providers to step in and offer you the help you need to overcome bulimia nervosa.
Although a medical consultation is necessary to determine whether you have bulimia nervosa, some common symptoms to watch out for in yourself and in loved ones you suspect may have an eating disorder include:
- Secretive eating habits
- Extremely thin appearance
- Food rituals
- Refusal to eat
- Excessive focus on weight
If you notice any of these symptoms, you or a loved one may have a serious eating disorder. Call our toll-free helpline at for more information on seeking treatment for bulimia nervosa. Group and Pensions Administrators covers the cost of treatment for numerous physical and mental health issues, so finding the coverage you need can be as simple as making a single phone call.
Inpatient Treatment Length Group and Pensions Administrators Will Cover (28-30, 60, 90+ Day)
Inpatient stays are a highly recommended treatment option for all eating disorders, including bulimia nervosa. To know what length of treatment your Group and Pensions Administrators plan will cover, it’s best to speak to a representative and look into the details of your individual coverage. GPA has numerous waste-management strategies in place to keep costs low for employers and employees alike. This means that coverage decisions are typically made on a case-by-case basis with the consultation of the patient’s personal physician. By consulting with your doctor, the insurer can customize your GPA plan to meet your individual needs. A treatment stay that is effective for one patient may not be effective for another, so your coverage options for bulimia inpatient treatment will be tailored to your individual situation.
The major reason you might consider an inpatient treatment facility for bulimia nervosa is the chance to start fresh. Disordered eating habits are not formed overnight, and it takes even longer to break them and form new ones. Researchers have found that the most effective way to break a habit is to supplant the bad habit with a new and healthier one. The most common treatment length for inpatient care is 30 days, but longer stays of 60 and even 90 days are not uncommon for more severe cases.
Group and Pensions Administrators Coverage for Bulimia Dual Diagnosis
Group and Pensions Administrators is a major company that provides comprehensive coverage to its patients. If your doctor establishes that you suffer from a comorbid condition, such as depression or anxiety, it is very likely that you will be able to get coverage for treatment of both disorders.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is one of the most common conditions that co-occur with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. In fact, an academic study conducted on women with eating disorders found that 41 percent of the subjects also had obsessive-compulsive disorder. Researchers believe that this may be due to the fact that the same neurochemical imbalances are found in those with eating disorders and those with anxiety disorders.
For more information on getting treatment for bulimia and comorbid conditions, call our helpline at .
Specialty Bulimia Treatment Treatments Using Group and Pensions Administrators
Group and Pensions Administrators offers a variety of specialty services to its providers and patients alike. The TelaDoc system allows patients to interact with a licensed health care provider 24/7. This is especially useful for those who are recovering from bulimia and who have gone home after a stay at an inpatient treatment facility. You will be able to contact a doctor whenever you need to, providing you with the same around-the-clock support you received in treatment while in the comfort of your own home.
The Fiduciary Liability Transfer is another program that works on the employer side to make the benefit delivery process as smooth as possible. This program facilitates appeals, helping employers make fair decisions on providing coverage for all employees. Additionally, GPA provides customers with the chance to enroll in a Health Savings Account (HAS). Your HAS allows you to receive flexible health care coverage and allocate funds to areas where you need the most help. This is particularly useful for those seeking more consistent forms of medical care for eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa. To get help in treating eating disorder problems, call our 24/7 helpline today.
How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For
Sometimes, even the best insurance companies don’t cover every treatment you would like them to on the first try. If your coverage request has been denied, don’t give up. Instead, work with your health care provider to file an appeal with Group and Pensions Administrators. Through the Fiduciary Liability Transfer system, GPA has a smooth appeals process geared towards making sure all employee claims and appeals are given a fair audience. Your doctor should be able to speak with a GPA agent directly on your behalf to explain why a given treatment is necessary and beneficial for your recovery from bulimia nervosa.
The fatality rate for bulimia nervosa is roughly 3.9 percent, but you can prevent yourself from becoming a statistic by seeking treatment early. The earlier you get help for your eating disorder, the easier it will be to form new, body-positive habits and develop a healthy relationship with food. Although the cost of eating disorder treatment may seem prohibitive, most major insurance companies understand how serious the consequences of untreated disorders can be and are willing to help.
Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Centers
In order to verify insurance coverage for a particular bulimia nervosa treatment, you should speak with a GPA agent and find out exactly what is covered by your policy. Many coverage decisions are made with careful consultation with a licensed physician, so you will need to have an official diagnosis and recommendation before you can enroll in a treatment plan and be granted coverage. It is important to work with your general care provider to create a comprehensive and compelling medical record. Documentation is the key to getting any insurance company to cover the treatment you need.
The Group and Pensions Administrators company is a remarkably efficient organization that manages to keep customer costs low through waste management and a large provider network. While there is no guarantee for coverage without knowing your individual situation and policy plan, the company is known for high-quality behavioral management services. To find out more about what is and isn’t covered by your GPA plan, contact a local agent.
For more information on general health insurance policies and to learn more about the various treatment options available for bulimia nervosa, call our toll-free helpline at . Our friendly representatives are available 24/7 to take your call and help you make the most of your insurance by using Group and Pensions Administrators for eating disorder treatment.