Using HealthSmart for Bulimia Treatment

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It is not uncommon for many people to turn to food when they feel depressed, lonely or stressed. When someone has bulimia, overeating becomes compulsive. Rather than eating in a sensible manner to make up for overindulging, an individual with bulimia may attempt to avoid weight loss by fasting, purging or exercising.

This pattern of activity can become a vicious cycle that can take a physical and emotional toll over time. It is possible to break this pattern of behavior. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reports that only 35 percent of people who receive treatment for eating disorders receive treatment at a facility that specializes in such disorders. For help in locating a treatment facility specializing in bulimia treatment, please contact us at . It is never too late to get help.

Using HealthSmart for Bulimia Treatment

Specialized bulimia treatment can help you or your loved one learn how to develop a healthier approach to eating while at the same time overcoming feelings of shame, guilt and anxiety. If you have HealthSmart insurance coverage, bulimia treatment may be covered by your plan. It is important to understand that plans vary in terms of coverage. To find out whether your plan covers treatment for an eating disorder such as bulimia, it is a good idea to consult your specific policy. Your benefits administrator will be able to provide you with more information regarding your benefits coverage.

Does HealthSmart Cover Bulimia Nervosa Rehab Programs?

In determining whether your HealthSmart insurance will pay for a bulimia rehab program, it is important to understand that there are various types of programs. Your coverage may vary depending on the type of program. The most intensive type of treatment is an inpatient program. Although the level of services available may vary slightly among facilities, the primary characteristic of an inpatient program is that patients reside at the facility while receiving treatment. The goal of residential treatment is to provide patients with continuous medical supervision and access to support staff and care.

Outpatient programs are also available. Unlike an inpatient program, in an outpatient program, patients do not live at the facility. Instead, they are able to receive treatment and then return home each day. This may, at first, be appealing to many patients and their families. However, it is important to keep in mind that an outpatient facility is often not able to provide the same medical supervision and intensive care as an inpatient facility. An outpatient facility is typically not suited for severe cases of bulimia or situations in which the individual’s health has deteriorated as a result of bulimia. For example, in extreme cases, hospitalization may be required to properly assess and care for a patient in critical condition. In deciding on your HealthSmart coverage, make it a point to determine whether your plan will pay for inpatient and outpatient care.

Inpatient Treatment Length HealthSmart Will Cover (28-30, 60, 90+ Day)

It should also be understood that the length of treatment in inpatient facilities varies. Some programs will last for only about a month, while other programs last much longer. For example, in serious cases, patients may be advised by their physician that a 60-day or even a 90-day or longer stay may be required. In the event that a patient’s medical condition has severely deteriorated, a longer stay may be necessary. Hospitalization may also be required, depending upon the patient’s state of health. As such, the length of treatment is an important matter to consider when determining the benefits that your HealthSmart plan will cover.

HealthSmart Coverage for Bulimia Dual Diagnosis

Bulimia is often accompanied by other disorders. People suffering from bulimia may experience depression or anxiety. Substance abuse and bulimia may also occur simultaneously. In some cases, it may not be readily apparent that a patient with bulimia is also suffering from other disorders. For this reason, it is imperative that the treatment program you choose is capable of providing dual diagnosis care. In a dual diagnosis program, specially trained medical staff will be able to provide the patient with a comprehensive assessment to determine the presence of co-occurring disorders.

Once those disorders have been identified, the patient’s medical team will then be able to design a customized treatment plan that will treat all disorders at the same time. This type of multidisciplinary approach will provide the patient with the optimal outcome.

In verifying your HealthSmart coverage for bulimia, it is important to make certain that a dual diagnosis facility is covered. If you need help in locating a bulimia treatment facility that provides dual diagnosis treatment, please contact us at . No matter the time of day or night, we are always available to speak with you.

Specialty Bulimia Treatment: Treatments Using HealthSmart

Specialty treatment is needed to address the many issues that commonly accompany bulimia. As is the case with other eating disorders, bulimia affects the entire body. For instance, the brain may be affected by depression, anxiety and a fear of gaining weight. People with bulimia may also develop an irregular heartbeat or weakened heart muscles. Other adverse effects related to bulimia include:

Over time, the complications associated with bulimia can become worse and even life-threatening.

A comprehensive approach to bulimia treatment will address both the physical and the mental health issues a patient is experiencing. The first goal of treatment is usually to stabilize the patient’s medical condition. Once this has been addressed, the patient’s medical team can then begin helping the patient to identify the negative thought patterns that have resulted in the eating disorder. This may be accomplished through group and individual counseling.

Families are often provided with the opportunity to participate in counseling with their loved one. This can serve as the basis for developing an important support network that can assist patients in continuing healthy new eating habits once they leave the treatment facility. Nutritional counseling will also typically be provided to bulimia patients to help them return to a normal weight and learn how to maintain their recovery. A trained dietician may also work with patients to develop customized meal plans.

How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For

The South Carolina Department of Health reports that only 1 in 10 people with eating disorders actually receive treatment. Help is available; please do not allow a lack of insurance coverage to delay you or your family member from receiving recovery assistance. Even if your HealthSmart insurance plan does not pay for all of the bulimia treatments you need, other resources are available. In some instances, you may be able to finance the cost of treatment.

For help in treating eating disorder problems, contact us at . We are here 24/7, and we are always willing to speak to you.

Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Centers

Finding a treatment facility that is specially trained in the treatment of bulimia is essential to helping you or your loved one recover. Verifying your insurance coverage for bulimia treatment through HealthSmart is an excellent beginning. By first understanding what your insurance plan will cover, you will then be able to begin the process of identifying a treatment program to provide the services you or your family member needs.

Please remember that no matter how serious things may seem at the moment, help is available. It is possible to overcome bulimia and learn how to develop a healthy approach to eating and fitness.