Using Humana for Bulimia Treatment
Maintaining a healthy weight is important to your overall health. Even so, if you or someone you care about becomes obsessed with the thought of losing weight and begins to engage in unhealthy behavior in order to lose excess weight, the situation can become dire. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reports that as many as 24 million people may suffer from an eating disorder.
Individuals with bulimia often engage in a cycle of activity known as binging and purging. The cycle begins by consuming large amounts of food. It is not uncommon for persons with bulimia to consume thousands of calories within a one-hour period of time. After consuming so much food, the individual may experience feelings of shame or guilt and then attempt to purge the food. This may be done by fasting, over-exercising, vomiting or using a laxative. Persons with bulimia may engage in binging and purging activities several times per month, per week or even per day.
Over time, bulimia can take a tremendous toll on one’s entire body. Symptoms commonly associated with bulimia include:
- Sore throat
- Swollen salivary glands
- Tooth decay
- Acid reflux disorder
- Severe dehydration
- Electrolyte imbalance
Without proper treatment, bulimia can become life-threatening. Professional treatment can help you or your loved one overcome this disorder. Individuals with Humana health insurance may find that their policy at least partially covers bulimia treatment. For help in finding a bulimia treatment facility in your area, please contact us at .
Does Humana Cover Bulimia Nervosa Rehab Programs?
The first step in determining whether you may be eligible for coverage for bulimia nervosa rehab treatment is to consult your insurance policy. Your policy should provide information regarding benefits coverage, including the specific types of treatment that are covered. If you are not able to locate specific information regarding bulimia treatments in your insurance policy, you may find it necessary to contact a Humana representative.
It will be important to verify your level of insurance coverage. Insurance policies do vary, and there may be restrictions regarding the level of treatment for which you are covered as well as your duration of treatment. Specifically, there is a difference between inpatient and outpatient bulimia treatment, and it will be important to verify whether your policy covers both treatment options.
An inpatient program is significantly different from an outpatient program and will usually provide a more in-depth level of care. Persons who have suffered from bulimia for a long period of time or who are experiencing serious health issues as a result may find that an inpatient program is the most suitable option. This is because an inpatient program will provide continual monitored care, something that is not possible in an outpatient program.
For help in finding a bulimia treatment program, please do not hesitate to contact us at . We are available 24/7 to discuss options for bulimia treatment with you.
Inpatient Treatment Length Humana Will Cover (28-30, 60, 90+ Day)
Along with verifying whether or not your Humana insurance policy will cover an inpatient bulimia treatment program, you will also need to verify the length of treatment that your policy will cover. This is quite important as some insurance policies do restrict duration of treatment. This is particularly true for inpatient programs. The minimum amount of time required for bulimia inpatient treatment is usually about one month; however, a longer stay may be required depending upon the needs of the patient.
If you or your loved one is suffering from severe bulimia or your condition is complicated by the presence of other disorders, you may need to stay at a treatment facility for 60 days, 90 days or perhaps even longer.
Humana Coverage for Bulimia Dual Diagnosis
When attending a bulimia rehab program, it is not uncommon for many people to also require treatment for other disorders. In some instances, when a person is suffering from depression, he/ she may develop an eating disorder. Bulimia may also be accompanied by a stress disorder or even a substance abuse problem.
A dual diagnosis facility can provide a comprehensive array of treatments to address any co-occurring disorders. The first step to addressing such problems is to ensure that all disorders are diagnosed. Medical personnel who are trained to identify the presence of disorders that commonly occur along with bulimia can provide patients with the most optimal opportunity for recovery. For instance, medications may be necessary in the treatment of anxiety disorders or depression. Patients who are also coping with a substance abuse problem will also need a treatment program that provides detoxification services.
Specialty Bulimia Treatment Treatments Using Humana
The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reports that only 35 percent of people who receive treatment for eating disorders do so at a facility that specializes in eating disorders. While eating disorders do commonly occur with other conditions, it is imperative that you seek out a specialized treatment facility if you believe that you or someone close to you has bulimia.
Eating disorders can be quite complex. Due to the fact that they affect the mind and the body, both physical and mental health needs must be addressed to ensure a full recovery. Facilities that do not specialize in eating disorders may not have staff trained in handling the myriad of needs that should be addressed for optimal treatment.
One of the most important aspects of treatment provided by a specialized eating disorder facility is access to a nutritional program. When entering treatment, patients with bulimia have nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, the first step of treatment is often to ensure the patient receives the nutrition he/she needs. If the patient is in critical condition due to a lack of nutrition, hospitalization may be required. A dietician trained in handling cases of bulimia will often customize a meal plan according to the unique needs of the patient.
Once the patient’s nutritional needs have been met, the facility will also provide psychological counseling and therapy. This is imperative, as many patients with bulimia have often developed a distorted body image and negative thought patterns. Breaking those negative thought patterns and replacing them with positive, healthy thoughts is essential to a full recovery.
According to Ohio State University, more than 4 percent of the population suffers from bulimia. If you need help locating a treatment facility specializing in bulimia treatment, please do not hesitate to call us at . Our counselors are available 24/7 to assist you find help in treating eating disorder or bulimia treatment facility that is right for you or your loved one.
How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For
If your Humana insurance policy does not cover the full amount of bulimia treatment that you or your loved one needs, there may be other options available. For instance, you may find it is possible to finance the cost of your treatment. You may also be able to qualify for state or government assistance if you meet certain financial guidelines. Regardless of what your financial situation may be, there is help available to assist you or your family. To know more about the benefits of using Humana insurance for eating disorder treatment, call our 24/7 helpline today.
Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Centers
Verifying your level of insurance coverage can provide you with a good starting point for finding the treatment facility that is most appropriate for your needs. The right bulimia treatment facility will be one that provides specialized levels of care focusing specifically on the treatment of eating disorders. Additionally, the program should offer dual diagnosis capabilities. Finally, it is important to search for a rehabilitation facility that offers a strong psychological counseling program.
Remember that no matter how long you or your loved one has been trying to overcome bulimia, there is help available. All it takes is one phone call to reach out for the help you need to begin on the path to recovery. Please contact us today at .