Using Humana for Eating Disorder Treatment
If you believe that you or someone you love has an eating disorder, you are not alone. According to the National Eating Disorders Association, there are millions of Americans who suffer from eating disorders every year, and there are nearly half a million teens who suffer from eating disorders. The three most common eating disorders are bulimia, anorexia and binge eating. If you have insurance through Humana, your insurance company may be able to help you get treatment for your eating disorder.
If you are ready to get help, we are standing by to help you. Simply pick up the phone and call us at . We will assist you find help in treating eating disorder problems.
Using Humana for Eating Disorder Treatment
If you are unsure of whether or not you or your loved one even has an eating disorder, you may want to look for symptoms. The symptoms vary from person to person, but if an individual has anorexia, he/she may exhibit the following:
- Refusing to eat
- Consistently lying about being hungry
- Acting obsessed with food and dieting
- Feeling depressed
- Cutting oneself off from friends or family
- Weight loss
- Digestive pain or constipation
- Being dehydrated
- Having dry skin or downy hair on the body
- Feeling cold often
- Distorted body image
If you have bulimia, your eating disorder will share some of the symptoms of anorexia. For instance, you will experience weight loss, and you will probably have a distorted image of your body. However, you may also exhibit some of the following symptoms:
- Binge eating until you are uncomfortable
- Making yourself purge or vomit
- Going to the bathroom around mealtimes
- Feeling like you can’t control how much you eat
- Sores on your fingers
- Sores in your mouth
- Damaged teeth
Many people with bulimia also have problems with drugs or alcohol. According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, people who suffer from bulimia suffer from substance abuse issues between 8 and 41 percent of the time.
Binge eating is the final eating disorder, and if you suffer from binge eating, you will have a lot of the same symptoms as someone with bulimia. You will eat excessive quantities of food relatively often, and you may feel embarrassed about how much or how quickly you eat. However, you will not purge after you have finished eating. Binge eating has slightly different treatment methods than bulimia and anorexia. The biggest difference is that you will focus on weight loss instead of weight gain in the weight restoration portion of your treatment.
Will Humana Cover Eating Disorder Treatment?
Humana eating disorder coverage offers many different insurance products. The company offers plans for individuals and families, and the company also offers employer-sponsored plans. If you want to find out if your Humana policy will cover the cost of your eating disorder treatment, you may need to contact your insurance agent directly. If you have a policy through your employer, you may want to ask your human resources manager for direction.
How Much Will Eating Disorder Treatment Cost?
The cost of eating disorder treatment varies. Thanks to many state and local programs, many people are able to get free care for their eating disorders. Many community health clinics offer free therapy or group counseling sessions to people in need. Other patients, however, may pay tens of thousands of dollars for their treatment.
Where you get your care has a big impact on the cost of your treatment. If you opt to stay at a clinic that offers just the basics or a clinic that is funded by state money, you may be able to get low-cost or even free care. However, if you stay at a facility that has the best therapists in the country and world-class amenities, your treatment may cost a lot more.
In order to learn more about the costs of eating disorder treatment, you should call our knowledgeable team. We can get you the information and resources you need. Simply pick up the phone and contact us at .
Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment vs. Outpatient Services
When you decide to get treatment, you will need to choose between inpatient and outpatient care. Both types of care include counseling, nutrition education and weight restoration therapy. However, inpatient care is treatment that you get while you are living at a hospital or specialty clinic. Outpatient care, on the other hand, is care that you get while you are living at home.
There are a range of options when it comes to outpatient care, and your treatment plan will ultimately be based on your treatment needs. Some patients just need to attend regular counseling sessions or group therapy sessions. Other patients need to spend a big portion of every day in outpatient treatment.
The main advantage of outpatient care is that it allows you to continue to live at home while you are getting treatment. If you have a family or a job that you cannot leave, you may want to explore outpatient care.
Inpatient care is attractive to many patients because it allows them to take a break from the stresses of their day-to-day life. Not only will you be able to take a break from your family and your job, you will be able to stay in a facility that offers a range of amenities. The amenities that you can find in an inpatient facility vary. Some facilities offer beautiful views, private rooms and state-of-the-art workout equipment. Other facilities have specialty therapists on hand, great menus for their weight restoration services and things like yoga or meditation classes.
If you have Human coverage, it may or may not cover your time in the eating disorder treatment facility. To find out exactly what is covered, you may want to call your insurance representative directly. Alternatively, you can talk with your employer’s contact person for your company’s insurance plan.
Dual Diagnosis Eating Disorder Therapy
Many people who need therapy for an eating disorder also have a dual diagnosis. A dual diagnosis is when you have a mental health concern alongside your eating disorder. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are many mental health issues that are associated with eating disorders. However, if you have one of three mental health disorders, you may be more likely to suffer from an eating disorder than your peers. These disorders include general anxiety disorder, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
While you are getting treatment for your eating disorder, you also need to get attention for these issues. If a program only treats your eating disorder while ignoring your anxiety disorder, the treatment may be ineffective. If you truly want your treatment to work, you need a treatment plan that takes into account all your issues.
Before you start your treatment for your eating disorder, you should have an assessment. During your assessment, a therapist can help to ascertain whether or not you have a concurrent issue with your eating disorder. Then they can craft a treatment plan that works for your needs.
If you know that you have a second issue in addition to your eating disorder, it is time to get help. When you contact us at , we will connect you to an eating disorder treatment program that can help you. Regardless of your specific concerns, we can match you to a treatment plan that is equipped to deal with those concerns.
Insurance vs. Private Pay for Eating Disorder Options
Depending on the exact insurance policy you have as well as your treatment needs, Humana may or may not pay for your eating disorder treatment. Some patients are able to get all their eating disorder treatment covered by their insurance company. Others are only able to get a portion of their care covered, and in some cases, people are not able to get coverage for any of their eating disorder treatment.
If Humana will only cover some of your treatment or if they refuse to pay for any of your treatment, there are other options. If you have supplement insurance through another company, you may be able to rely on that while you are getting treatment. Many supplemental policies offer cash benefits while you are in the hospital. Thus, if you are hospitalized as a result of your eating disorder, you could use your supplemental policy to help offset the cost of treatment.
If neither your supplemental health insurance nor your regular insurance is willing to cover your treatment costs, you should explore other options. Many people understand that treatment is an investment into their future health and happiness. Thus, they are often willing to cash out investments or use their savings to pay for treatment. If you have an emergency credit card, this is probably the right time to use it. If left untreated, eating disorders can lead to serious mental and physical consequences, including organ failure and death. You should not look at treatment as an unnecessary expense. Instead, you should see it as a critical investment in your life.
Many clinics understand how hard it is for patients to pay for care for their eating disorders, and they often offer payment plans or lines of credit to help. With a payment plan or line of credit, you can pay off your treatment in small monthly payments. You may also be able to qualify for sliding scale payment schedule. A sliding scale is a payment schedule that is based on your income. The more money you earn, the more you will have to pay for your services. If you can’t afford a sliding scale option, you should look for free services. In some cases, you may be able to get free or low-cost treatment through programs in your state or even in your town.
If you are ready to verify your insurance coverage, our trained representatives are ready to help you. You simply need to pick up the phone and call for help. Whether you have insurance through Humana or another insurance provider, we can verify your coverage. When you contact us at , we will help you find the treatment plan that is right for your needs.