Using Managed Health Network for Anorexia Treatment

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Anorexia nervosa has the potential to cause extensive damage to the lives and health of sufferers. Failing to recognize the signs and symptoms of anorexia and to seek out prompt and effective professional medical treatment can leave those who suffer from this disease at risk of a range of potentially life-threatening conditions, such as:

Statistics show that without treatment, anorexia can prove fatal in up to 20 percent of cases. Having access to professionals who can properly diagnose an eating disorder and the financial ability to seek out and utilize the most effective treatment programs and resources can make a life-saving difference. By calling , you can take an important first step towards your recovery.

Using Managed Health Network for Anorexia Treatment

With social issues, genetic predisposition and learned behaviors all being possible contributors to an eating disorder like anorexia, effective treatment can require a range of resources. Private-pay patients who find their lack of funds limits their treatment options would do well to make use of the resources and guidance that Managed Health Network is committed to providing for its members. The financial coverage and patient information that are available through the Managed Health Network can be an invaluable resource when you or a member of your family is struggling to overcome this disease.

With access to a wider range of recovery programs, treatments and long-term therapy services, patients should be able to find the help they need. Having to use recovery programs and treatment options that are more limited in scope could prevent those who suffer from anorexia from completing, or even starting, the recovery process.

Does Managed Health Network Cover Anorexia Nervosa Rehab Programs?

The information needed for sufferers to seek out and make use of a treatment plan or program that will be better suited to their individual needs can make a considerable difference in their efforts. Even a short conversation with a Managed Health Network representative can provide patients and families with the details needed to discover a wider range of superior treatment programs and other resources. Should you or someone you care about be struggling with anorexia, calling will allow you to learn more about the various resources and specialty recovery programs that are available.

Inpatient Treatment Length Managed Health Network Will Cover (28-30, 60, 90+ Day)

While patients who have been treated successfully in the past may require only an outpatient program in order to manage a relapse, more intensive inpatient programs are often required to overcome an eating disorder such as anorexia. With the cost of enrollment in such programs ranging from $500 to $2,000 per day, many private-pay patients could find their access to effective treatment severely curtailed. Coverage that provides you with the needed financial assistance to make use of the most appropriate treatment options can be of critical importance.

The right insurance coverage will allow you to make use of the most effective range of treatments and care options, regardless of which program will be best suited to meeting your specific needs. Discussing your plan or policy and learning the details needed to enroll in a program or begin the treatment process are never concerns that should be left to chance. Prompt action will ensure your recovery efforts are as successful as possible. For more information about the benefits in using Managed Health Network for eating disorder treatment, call us today.

Managed Health Network Coverage for Anorexia Dual Diagnosis

Treating anorexia can be especially difficult for patients who also suffer from a mental health condition such as alcoholism, clinical depression or social anxiety. The more intensive treatment options that are required for dual diagnosis patients are extremely important. Learning more about the resources and opportunities that will be needed to deal with an eating disorder that may be occurring alongside, or even causing, another mental health issue can allow patients to better seek out the help they need.

While a dual diagnosis may make recovery a far more difficult undertaking, the right treatment can still make a difference. For patients who may be suffering from a mental health issue that is either related to or independent of their eating disorder, having access to the most effective treatment can make a life-saving difference. Call to learn which programs will be better suited to meet the needs of a patient with a dual diagnosis and how to find help in treating eating disorder problems.

Specialty Anorexia Treatment: Treatments Using Managed Health Network

Patients who are unable to use more standardized treatments may find that specialty care offers them the best path forward. Whether you are struggling to overcome anorexia in the presence of another mental health issue or simply find that your lifestyle makes inpatient hospitalization a less than viable option, alternatives do exist. Discussing your options with Managed Health Network eating disorder coverage allows you to find options and programs that you may not have known existed. For anorexic sufferers who require care alternatives, finding the best source of help is absolutely necessary.

How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For

Even the most extensive insurance coverage may not be able to provide the level of financial assistance that many patients need. You can learn more about the opportunities, treatment programs and other forms of assistance that have been created specifically for those who may be struggling to find help because of their limited finances. By calling , you may discover a wider range of resources that may be able to assist you in your efforts to manage and overcome your eating disorder.

Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Programs

With as many as 8 million Americans suffering from an eating disorder, seeking out prompt and effective eating disorder treatment can allow sufferers to reclaim their lives from the effects of this devastating disease. Working with your insurance provider to discover the best treatments and programs can help you to take your first few steps on the road to recovery. More severe health problems may be expected by sufferers who delay treatment and for patients who lack the financial resources needed to seek out care and begin the treatment process.

If left untreated, anorexia has the potential to wreak havoc on both your everyday life and your overall state of health. Should you be suffering from an eating disorder, or if you have a friend or loved one who may be showing signs of anorexia, calling can provide you with the information and assistance you need to begin your recovery. Anorexia is a serious disease, one that will require professional treatment in order to get well. Knowing where to turn will ensure that you meet with greater success in your efforts to overcome this eating disorder.