Using MultiPlan for Eating Disorder Treatment
An eating disorder can quickly consume your entire life and affect the lives of the people you care about. The South Carolina Department of Mental Health reports that almost 50 percent of the population knows someone with an eating disorder. If you suspect that someone close to you is suffering from an eating disorder, getting help is crucial.
Eating disorders can take on many forms. While the two most well-known types of eating disorders are bulimia and anorexia, it is possible to suffer from others, such as binge eating and compulsive overeating disorder. In many instances, a person with such a disorder will be extremely thin and may still even be unwilling to maintain a healthy weight. That isn’t always the case, however. In fact, some people with eating disorders may even be overweight or obese.
Symptoms associated with eating disorders include:
- Obsession with weight
- Continually exercising
- Fear of eating with others
- Unusual food routines or rituals
- Hiding food in unusual locations
- Pale appearance
- Headaches and dizziness
- Low self-esteem
- Chronic dieting
- Loss of menstrual cycle
- Hair loss
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
MultiPlan Coverage for Eating Disorder Treatment
Eating disorders can develop and become very serious. In some cases, the situation may become so severe the individual needs to be admitted to hospital to address a critical health condition. The National Institute of Health reports that people with anorexia are 18 times more likely to die at an early age than those without an eating disorder.
Regardless of how long you or your loved one has suffered from an eating disorder, help is available. To speak to someone who can assist you in locating a rehabilitation facility specializing in eating disorder treatments, please contact us today at . We are available 24/7 to take your call.
Will MultiPlan Cover Eating Disorder Treatment?
If you have MultiPlan eating disorder coverage, you may find that at least a portion of your treatment may be covered by your plan. The first step in determining whether your MultiPlan policy will pay for eating disorder treatment is to carefully consult your policy. If you do not have a copy of your policy, you may be able to find specific information regarding covered benefits by speaking with a plan administrator.
In determining your covered benefits for eating disorder treatment, keep in mind that there are various types of treatments and different types of facilities.
How Much Will Eating Disorder Treatment Cost?
The cost of treatment, as with any medical intervention, will vary based on many factors. One of those factors is whether you choose an inpatient or an outpatient facility. An inpatient facility will often cost more than an outpatient facility because you actually reside at the center during treatment. As a result, the level of care you receive in a residential facility is far more intensive.
The length of your treatment will also naturally have an effect on cost. The shortest recommended stay for patients suffering from an eating disorder is one month, but it should be understood that many patients often require a much longer stay. Some facilities offer 60-day or 90-day treatment programs. According to the South Carolina Department of Mental Health, many patients suffering from an eating disorder may need up to six months of residential care.
While cost is an important factor to consider, it should not be the only one in locating a quality treatment program to help you or your loved one in overcoming an eating disorder. For help in locating a facility that can provide the professional help you need, please contact us at . Our experienced and caring counselors will be happy to speak with you and answer any questions you may have about finding help in treating an eating disorder. It is truly never too late to get the help you need.
Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment vs. Outpatient Services
Many patients and their families often have questions regarding whether an outpatient or an inpatient treatment program would be most appropriate for their needs. When an individual suffers from an eating disorder, she may lose control of her eating habits. Persons who engage in a purging activity or excessive exercise as a way of trying to avoid weight gain may not be able to stop on their own. In a residential facility, you will be continually monitored by medical professionals to ensure you do not harm yourself further. Residential treatment programs also ensure that you can recover in privacy without being distracted by any outside influences that might otherwise delay your recovery.
In the event that your eating disorder has progressed to the point where your health is in a critical condition, you will be able to access medical services in an inpatient facility to help restore you to wellness. Some upscale inpatient facilities are also able to provide a wealth of services and amenities that are not typically available in an outpatient facility. Such services might include:
- ‘
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Equine therapy
- Art/music therapy
Many patients suffering from an eating disorder find that such services help them learn to manage their stress and cope with negative thoughts in a positive manner without resorting to self-destructive behaviors.
Additionally, inpatient facilities are able to provide in-depth nutritional counseling that can prove to be quite beneficial for people suffering from eating disorders. In many cases, trained dieticians will provide individualized meal plans based on your unique needs and current medical condition.
While you are attending an eating disorder treatment program, you will also be provided with various types of counseling and therapy. One of the most important steps in achieving a full recovery is identifying the root cause of your eating disorder. Although the cause is often different for every person, counseling and therapy can help you to learn to identify negative thought patterns and other issues that may have contributed to your eating disorder. You will also learn how to improve your self-esteem and develop a healthy thought process regarding food and your body image.
Learning to cope with difficult emotions, stress and relationship problems is also essential to a successful recovery. In some cases, individuals develop an eating disorder as a result of societal pressures, loneliness or stress. By learning how to manage and cope with such problems in a healthy manner, you will have an increased chance of maintaining your recovery after leaving treatment and avoiding the potential for relapse.
In an outpatient facility, treatment is instead provided on a scheduled basis. This means that you will return to the treatment center at appointed times to undergo therapy. Nutritional counseling may also be available, but due to the fact that you do not reside at the facility, it will be on a limited basis.
Regardless of the type of facility you choose, it is important to select a program that focuses on the treatment of eating disorders. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reports that only about 35 percent of the individuals who undergo treatment for eating disorders receive treatment at a facility that specializes in eating disorders.
For help in finding an appropriate treatment facility, please call us at . Reaching out for help for yourself or your loved one is the first step to recovering from an eating disorder.
Dual Diagnosis Eating Disorder Therapy
Dual diagnosis is another important element to consider in choosing an eating disorder facility. Unfortunately, many people with eating disorders also have comorbid conditions that tend to complicate their recoveries. Such disorders may include depression and anxiety. Adolescents with eating disorders also often suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder. In addition, it isn’t uncommon for someone with an eating disorder to also have a substance abuse problem.
When an eating disorder is accompanied by another disorder or even multiple disorders, it is imperative that a comprehensive treatment plan is designed. Without addressing all conditions that may be present, it can be difficult to achieve full recovery from an eating disorder. For instance, if your loved one suffers from an eating disorder and depression or an anxiety disorder, she may be more susceptible to relapse once she is out of treatment and begin to feel anxious or depressed again.
In some cases, it may be necessary for you or your loved one to take medication to assist with the management of any other disorders that may be present. Antidepressants and mood stabilizers may be used in helping to manage other conditions, so you are able to concentrate on your full recovery.
It is truly never too late to get the help you need. Even if you feel that your situation is complicated by the presence of other disorders, help is available. Call us today at for help in finding a treatment facility that can address all your needs.
Insurance vs. Private Pay for Eating Disorder Options
Another important element to consider in choosing the most appropriate treatment facility for you or your loved one is whether a private pay or an insurance-covered treatment program is right for you. One of the most important differences to understand between the two is that with a private pay facility, you are able to maintain more control over your course of treatment and the services that are available to you. In an insurance-covered facility, you may be restricted both in terms of the types of treatment you can receive as well as the length of your covered treatment.
Private pay facilities may also offer conveniences and services that are not available if you opt for an insurance-covered facility. For example, in an insurance-covered eating disorder treatment program, you may not have the option of choosing a private room. This is an amenity that can provide a tremendous sense of relief while you are recovering from an eating disorder.
Finding an eating disorder treatment facility that is appropriate for your loved one is a critical first step in recovery. While eating disorders can be quite serious, getting professional help can assist your family member or friend in achieving full recovery and looking forward to a healthy future. Call for more information.