Using UMR for Anorexia Treatment

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United Medical Resources (UMR) is a subsidiary of UnitedHealthcare, one of the two platforms used by UnitedHealth Group in serving its clients. UMR offers a unique solution for self-funded customers. As a third-party administrator, it puts customers first, delivering integrated products, proven services and flexible benefits plans.

UMR is the only TPA that has the following capabilities:

Does UMR Cover Anorexia Nervosa Rehab Programs?

As an auxiliary firm of UnitedHealth Group, UMR offers its members behavioral health coverage through its sister company, OptumHealth. Below are some of the services offered by UMR:

According to The New York Times, patients typically spend an average of $30,000 per month on inpatient care for an eating disorder, so you want to make sure your treatment is covered by your policy. Although most eating disorder treatments require an inpatient stay, some patients would only need rehab on an outpatient basis. To obtain either outpatient or inpatient care, you need prior authorization from UMR.

If you need help connecting to this network, you may call our helpline at for quick information on whether or not your anorexia treatment is covered by your UMR plan.

Inpatient Treatment Length UMR Will Cover

After you obtain confirmation that your eating disorder treatment will be included by UMR eating disorder coverage, you need to determine if an inpatient stay is permitted or just outpatient care. If inpatient care is allowed, you and a counselor at a residential facility of your choice will talk privately about your case to develop a treatment strategy that will serve your needs best. The counselor will ask about your anorexia history and assess your specific needs to come up with an estimated treatment length. After the counselor makes the treatment recommendation, you need to contact UMR and request for approval of the suggested length of treatment. Sometimes approval is given but for a shorter duration than the one recommended by the counselor.

Bear in mind that there is no set length of time that works for everyone seeking treatment for anorexia. While some patients may need a 90-day program to completely recover, others may require only a 30-day program. The treatment duration will vary according to your particular case, history, needs, and whether or not a dual diagnosis is present.

Studies show that patients who spend more time in treatment achieve better results in terms of long-term sobriety. This is because more time spent at a treatment center means more opportunities to deal with the root cause of the problem. If this is effectively resolved, the patient is more likely to avoid relapse.

UMR Coverage for Anorexia Dual Diagnosis

Individuals with eating disorders are 50 percent more likely to struggle with a substance abuse problem than those without an eating disorder, according to the National Institutes of Health. When you enter a treatment facility, an evaluation will be made by a counselor so that medical providers will know how to handle your case. When an alcohol or drug abuse problem is suspected in addition to your anorexia, both issues will be addressed at the same time.

To increase your chances of attaining total recovery, treatment should include the following:

Even though healing from a dual diagnosis poses a unique challenge, complete recovery is not impossible. When you are ready to embark on your journey toward sobriety, please feel free to call our helpline at .

Specialty Anorexia Treatment Treatments Using UMR

Because an eating disorder like anorexia is such a difficult problem to deal with, you might need a comfortable setting that is free from distractions of the outside world. You can possibly find this place in a luxury treatment facility. Luxury treatment programs provide a broad range of therapy that supplements the traditional methods of treating an eating disorder.

Although group and individual counseling in combination with medication are crucial parts in any eating disorder recovery program, luxury treatment facilities may provide alternative techniques to assist in the healing process. These additional methodologies may include family therapy, equine-assisted therapy, adventure therapy, couples therapy and even art therapy. To learn more about the benefits of using UMR for eating disorder treatment, call us today.

With several options available to you, a luxury eating disorder treatment center could be what you need to achieve dependable recovery. To find help in treating an eating disorder that is right for you, you may call our helpline at .

How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For

Several treatment centers allow their patients to create a payment method to afford treatment. Another option you can look into is co-financing. If you don’t have enough insurance to pay for your eating disorder treatment, you can seek government aid. There are several government programs you can take advantage of by searching for them online. One such program is the strategic initiatives provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

If you can’t find either insurance or government programs to meet the expenses of your anorexia treatment, your last resort to be able to receive care is paying out of pocket. Even though this option can significantly impact your bottom line, spending money on your health is not a wasted investment.

Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Programs

Medical providers will check your health insurance plan to ensure their rendered services will be paid. Therefore, you must bring your health insurance ID card when you ask about treatment. Your physicians will contact your insurer to see if you are really a member, if you have paid your premiums and how much is covered. If you have secondary insurance, it will be verified in a similar manner that your primary insurance is verified.

Before you can truly say you have found the best treatment program for your anorexia, you need to understand what an effective treatment entails. The most effective treatment for an eating disorder seems to be the combination of psychological counseling or psychotherapy, nutrition, and medication. In most cases, a unique treatment plan designed only for you should be used to make the rehab successful.

While some patients with anorexia might respond well to group, individual or family therapy, in concert with medical management provided by medical professionals, other patients might benefit from nutritional counseling, support groups and psychiatric medications under the guidance of health care experts.

Verifying your insurance policy and finding the best treatment facility for your eating disorder don’t have to be arduous tasks. If you don’t have enough time to handle such concerns, let us take care of them for you. Just pick up the phone and dial any time of the day or night.