Using UMR for Bulimia Treatment

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Acquired by UnitedHealthcare in December 2005, United Medical Resources (UMR) is committed to excellent service and care, and it is part of one of the largest health carriers in the United States. The company offers coverage for many different services, including behavioral health issues.

Bulimia is an eating disorder that is most commonly associated with eating large quantities of food at one time and then purging, exercising heavily or fasting. According to the National Institute on Mental Health, only around 15 percent of individuals with the disorder receive treatment. Treatment can take a long time, and UMR can help. If you or someone you love is suffering from an eating disorder, you can contact us 24/7 at . We can help you locate a treatment center near you and answer any questions you may have.

UMR Bulimia Coverage

UMR helps to provide insurance coverage for eating disorders and other behavioral health issues. Your initial doctor visit should be made with your in-network primary care physician. He/she can help diagnose you, find a plan of action for treatment and provide you with a referral to an in-network specialist or treatment facility. Some forms of immediate care do not require preauthorization. Immediate care can cover hospitalization to help stabilize your condition.

Depending on how severe your eating disorder is, the effects of bulimia can include:

UMR eating disorder coverage for bulimia treatment can include hospitalization, inpatient or outpatient care, medications and counseling.

Does UMR Cover Bulimia Nervosa Rehab Programs?

The best way to find out if UMR will cover the cost of your bulimia treatment is to contact a UMR agent. The number can be found on your benefits card; you’ll also need your social security number on hand. The agent can go over your policy with you over the phone and provide you with specifics concerning your insurance coverage. Most people who suffer from an eating disorder require many months to even years of rehabilitation. Your agent can help assess your insurance policy and find a program that will allow you to receive the best care covered by your benefits. It’s important to seek help as soon as possible to increase your chances of success.

Inpatient Treatment Length UMR Will Cover

The length of time it takes to fully recover from bulimia can vary from person to person depending on the severity of the addiction. While UMR may not cover all the treatment costs, you may at least be able to receive a discount for services. Most eating disorder treatment programs require you to stay at least 30 days, and in most cases, you will need to meet your deductible and then pay a percentage of what is left on the bill. The sooner you receive help for your addiction, the easier it may be to recover from the illness. While UMR will try to assist in covering the cost of treatment, you may need to pay for part of your treatment on your own.

Most of the time, treatment for bulimia will occur in an outpatient setting. Some conditions warrant inpatient care, including severe social and mental impairment, the threat of harming yourself and others, recurring health problems and conditions that require 24-hour care.

UMR Coverage for Bulimia Dual Diagnosis

Those who suffer from bulimia often receive a dual diagnosis that can include drug or alcohol addiction or depression. According to the National Association of Anorexia and Associated Disorders, close to half of the individuals who suffer from bulimia also suffer from clinical depression. Treating a dual diagnosis can be tricky, and you must find a treatment center that is equipped to handle it. UMR can help you locate a provider that is in-network to provide you with the greatest benefits.

Treatment for a dual diagnosis must be approached in stages in order for it to be successful. First, you will next to be detoxed of the drugs or alcohol, and then you will need to learn how to control your addiction. Other methods of treatment can include individual and group therapy to help you identify the triggers of both the addiction and the eating disorder, and by using UMR for eating disorder treatment can also help cover the cost of medications for depression and aftercare.

Education also plays an important aspect in recovery for a dual diagnosis. During treatment, you will learn about the triggers for each addiction, and you will also discover the damaging effects drug and alcohol abuse and bulimia can do to the body. Before you seek treatment for a dual diagnosis, it’s best to contact your UMR representative to go over your policy to see what it will cover. This will save you from incurring any surprise treatment costs.

Specialty Bulimia Treatment Treatments Using UMR

There are several specialty treatment options for bulimia, which do not cost as much as a traditional treatment center. This can be especially helpful for those who are paying for treatment themselves or for those whose insurance policies do not cover a treatment center. Taking vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements can help control the symptoms of bulimia. Often, someone who suffers from an eating disorder may have nutritional deficiencies. Vitamins can at least keep you healthy and help you get the basic nutrition you need during rehabilitation.

Other alternative methods of care include:

The problem with most alternative treatment methods is that, though they can often help, they are usually not covered by UMR insurance. To find help in treating an eating disorder, call us today.

How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For?

The high cost of bulimia treatment is often one reason why those who need the treatment the most do not receive it. If you do not have insurance that covers behavioral health issues or you do not have insurance at all, paying for treatment may seem out of your reach, but this does not have to be the case. There are many alternative ways to pay for bulimia treatment, especially if you meet income requirements. Many communities organize free clinics that assist those who are in need of medical coverage. In order to receive treatment, you must fill out an application and include income verification. Once accepted, the clinic can treat you for everything from routine physicals to treatment for eating disorder like bulimia nervosa.

Another option for payment is to talk to the clinic providing your care and see if they offer a payment plan or financing. Because many people would rather pay on their own, financing is one of the most popular options. Other options for payment can include asking your church or other local religious groups, talking to your college counselor, or seeking help from a parent or other relative.

Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Programs

The best way to verify your insurance coverage for bulimia treatment is to contact a UMR representative. When you speak to a representative, you will also have the opportunity to ask any questions and find out exactly how much coverage your policy will provide you for behavioral health issues. Your representative will go over your plan options and offer you a list of providers if you qualify for insurance coverage. Using an in-network treatment center is often the best choice because such a clinic must pass a stringent set of qualifications in order to be a preferred provider.

If you are still unsure of which treatment center to choose, your doctor can help match you with the one that most suits your needs. It is also a good idea to visit the center before you commit to inpatient treatment. The success of your treatment can be affected by how comfortable you are with the center. If you have any other questions concerning treatment of bulimia, contact us at . We can provide you with the answers you need.