Using ValueOptions for Bulimia Treatment
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 mandates 10 general categories that insurers must offer as essential health benefits as part of their qualified health plans for individuals and small groups. Among these general categories is treatment for behavioral health issues such as bulimia. However, the ACA leaves it up to each state to decide how each of the general categories is implemented in specific plans. ValueOptions offers comprehensive treatment guidelines for such conditions as bulimia and anorexia.
ValueOptions Bulimia Coverage
As part of its behavioral health care coverage, all ValueOptions eating disorder coverage will cover at least part of the treatment for bulimia if you or your loved one is seeking help. As with all medical insurance, specific coverage may vary according to your plan, its copay and deductible, the facility in which you seek help, and your medical diagnosis or assessment by a behavioral health specialist.
ValueOptions has a network of participating behavioral health facilities that are covered under each individual plan, but you or your loved one may be able to use a facility that is not included in the participating networks and still get some coverage. This, however, requires permission before beginning treatment.
Because of the intricacies involved in such coverage, in or out of the network, if you need help choosing a facility or plan that will best suit your treatment needs and financial situation, you can call your ValueOptions representative, or call us at so we can assist you. We are available 24/7. Do not let the complexities of coverage prevent you from seeking needed treatment. Call us now. We can assist you.
Does ValueOptions Cover Bulimia Nervosa Rehab Programs?
The cost of eating disorder treatment for you or your loved one will vary depending on the facility chosen, the length of treatment required and the amount covered by your ValueOptions insurance.
According to The New York Times, the cost of eating disorder treatment can vary significantly depending on your assessment by health professionals and also because eating disorders can be very difficult to treat and can sometimes persist for years. Hospitalizations for eating disorders such as bulimia have risen across the board, with increases in children under 12 as high as 119 percent from 1999 to 2006 and in other groups such as adults between 45 and 64 as high as 47 percent. Bulimia is a serious condition that is finally getting the medical attention it deserves.
However, according to The New York Times, residential or inpatient treatment costs $30,000 a month on average, and only part of this will be covered by most insurance plans. Often, depending on the severity of the condition, patients will require inpatient treatment that lasts up to three months.
While ValueOptions does offer coverage for bulimia nervosa rehab programs, the type of program and amount of coverage will be determined after your professional assessment. This generally occurs with a team of health professionals and a ValueOptions caseworker.
Inpatient Treatment Length ValueOptions Will Cover (28-30, 60, 90+ Day)
The length of your inpatient treatment, if initially approved and recommended by your team of health professionals, will depend on a variety of factors. Among the most crucial of these factors is your progress and response to the initial treatment. Although the sooner you are diagnosed and treated, the more effective any treatment can be, this initial assessment will only be one among several throughout the treatment process. The follow-up assessments will be reviewed by your team of health professionals along with a ValueOptions representative to evaluate the most effective treatment in light of your condition and your response to previous treatment.
ValueOptions Coverage for Bulimia Dual Diagnosis
Many patients who suffer from bulimia also suffer from other conditions such as anxiety, depression, and drug or alcohol addiction, so often therapy and treatment for the specific eating disorder are combined with treatment for these other conditions. A dual diagnosis is best treated by health professionals who specialize in such cases and who do not address one condition without factoring in the other one.
One of the most common dual diagnoses is an eating disorder and substance abuse. As with other dual diagnoses, such a condition is treated best in an inpatient facility. Before any treatment begins, the patient must go through a detoxification process to ensure that any withdrawal symptoms from the specific substance do not lead to worsening medical conditions. Although the withdrawal from many substances is mostly a psychobiological condition and does not pose serious health risks, withdrawal from substances such as alcohol or drugs can have significant side effects and can sometimes be deadly. Therefore, it is advisable that patients suffering from eating disorders such as bulimia and a substance addiction process fully through detoxification under medical supervision.
After detox, such patients should seek treatment in facilities that specialize in dual diagnoses for best results. Because this treatment is very specialized, it is often best delivered if a patient is under full medical care at an inpatient or residential care facility. These decisions should be made under the advisement and assessment of the team of health care professionals at the detox unit and will depend on patient condition and past treatment history.
The process is the same as with any other type of dual diagnosis in that specific treatments are best suited for particular combinations, and treating them individually may not yield the best results. Again, such decisions should be made after a thorough consultation with health care professionals and treatment specialists. To find help in treating an eating disorder, call our 24/7 helpline today.
Specialty Bulimia Treatments Using ValueOptions
According to a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, family-based or at-home treatment for adolescents suffering from specific eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia was more effective than individual therapy. Such therapy is much less costly because the family members agree to become part of the treatment process and, under the guidance of a professional therapist, help monitor the treatment and behavior of the patient. This is an option to consider as initial treatment or subsequent treatment after a stay in a residential program, and it needs the full commitment of family members.
There are many other options for bulimia treatment if inpatient treatment is not adequately covered by insurance or recommended by your team of health care professionals. The cost of these treatments varies, but they offer options for you to address issues and work out a treatment plan with ValueOptions that is best suited for your needs and in keeping with its treatment guidelines.
These treatments include:
- Outpatient treatment
- Psychotherapy
- Psychopharmacology
- Nutritional counseling
- Medical treatment
- Hospital care
Please do not hesitate to give us a call at to set up the treatment you need now.
How to Cover What Insurance Doesn’t Pay For
There are many options for financial assistance to cover medical expenses not covered by using ValueOptions for eating disorder treatment like bulimia for you or your loved one. According to The New York Times, various private foundations offer assistance and scholarships. These include Moonshadow’s Spirit, the Kirsten Haglund Foundation and the Manna Scholarship Fund. Academic hospitals also may offer free treatment to individuals who qualify for research studies as long are they are willing to participate fully, which often includes taking surveys and participating in follow-up assessments.
Verify Insurance Coverage and Find the Best Treatment Centers
As stated above, the choice between inpatient or outpatient treatment will depend on a variety of factors and can only be fully examined once you have decided to find treatment by giving us a call or by seeking an assessment from a physician. The quicker you do this, the better your chances of successfully addressing your condition. Because an eating disorder is a chronic condition, it will only worsen as time passes. Intervention at an early stage is critical.
Many individuals are sometimes first treated on an outpatient basis, and if this is not effective, they then seek other options that may include other types of therapy or an inpatient program. Outpatient services often involve a variety of health care professionals, including a physician, dietitian and therapist.
To verify insurance coverage for the most effective treatment for bulimia, the first step is to get a professional assessment or to call us at to begin the process of seeking treatment. We are here 24/7, but you are the only one who can begin the process by calling now.