Personality Disorder Treatment Program Options
Personality disorders make up a group of mental illnesses in which a person displays long-term rigid patterns of behavior and thoughts that don’t adapt to a wide range of settings. Most people who have these disorders don’t seek treatment immediately, even if personality disorder treatment program options are available for them.
If you are, or a person you know is, displaying behaviors that highly interfere with the ability to function normally in work or relationships, don’t hesitate to contact us at to get information on how you can help yourself or someone you love.
Many different types of personality disorders exist, and the symptoms vary greatly according to each type. Commonly diagnosed personality disorders include:
- Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
- Borderline personality disorder
- Avoidant personality disorder
- Schizoid personality disorder
- Antisocial personality disorder
According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about 9.1 percent of the US adult population experience a personality disorder in a 12-month prevalence period. Most of these people often suffer from a co-occurring major mental disorder, such as depression, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and others.
What Causes Personality Disorders?
No known definite cause of personality disorders exists, although researchers believe genetics and environmental factors play a huge role in developing the condition. In some studies, some malfunctioning genes might cause certain personality disorders, while another study links anxiety, fear and aggression to genetics. Other factors being explored as possible causes of personality disorders include:
- Childhood trauma. Many people who are diagnosed with borderline or schizotypal personality disorder experienced sexual trauma or bullying during childhood.
- Verbal abuse. Children who’ve suffered from insensitive parenting and verbal abuse during childhood are three times more likely to suffer from narcissistic personality disorder.
- High reactivity. Sensitivity to light, texture, noise and other stimuli might also cause a very young child to develop anxious personalities during their teenage years and into adulthood. However, only 10 percent of highly reactive infants develop a certain type of phobia.
- Peers. Strong bonds or relationships with family, relatives or friends might cause dependent personality disorder.
Many psychologists narrow down the probable root of the disorder in order to design a therapy that can help treat a person’s specific disorder. It’s important to speak honestly with a doctor or psychologist when you or a person you love is undergoing assessment and diagnosis to make sure you or the person involved can get proper treatment.
Is There a Cure for Personality Disorders?
Personality disorders are difficult to cure because people who suffer from the condition often have abnormal thoughts and behaviors that prevent them from thinking and functioning as well as they should. Most have denial issues and reject the presence of their condition; however, these disorders don’t go away without proper treatment.
According to the NIMH, 42.4 percent of people diagnosed with personality disorder are receiving treatment. The treatment depends on a person’s particular personality disorder. Treatments available include medications, hospitalization and psychotherapy. Call us at to get more information about various treatment and program options for specific types of personality disorder.
Therapies for Personality Disorders
Therapy is a general term for the application of techniques used to improve a person’s mental or physical well-being. Psychotherapy is the main way of dealing with and treating mental conditions like personality disorders. Also called “talk therapy,” therapists deal with the patients by encouraging them to talk about their condition, feelings, thoughts, mood and behavior. Several types of psychotherapy for mental illnesses include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
- Interpersonal therapy (IPT)
- Family-focused therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatments
Cognitive behavioral therapy, also known as CBT, helps patients to recognize and alter their inaccurate perception about themselves, other people and the world around them. Most therapists combine cognitive and behavioral therapies to replace a person’s unhealthy thoughts with positive and healthier perceptions. Aside from cognitive and behavioral, another branch of CBT is dynamic, or an examination of a person’s early childhood to identify the possible cause of that person’s personality disorder.
CBT is ideal for individuals who can’t take medications for their disorder or for those who have thoughts and behavioral patterns that display a form of mental illness. It’s also used alongside antidepressants or medications during hospitalization, and it is a recommended therapy for people of all ages who have mental conditions.
Other Therapeutic Methods
Other forms of CBT are also considered helpful in treating personality disorders. For example, dialectical behavior therapy is indicated for the treatment of borderline personality disorder, a disorder where suicidal thoughts and self-mutilation actions are common. During a DBT session, the therapist assures the patient that their behavior and actions are understandable and valid. By the end of the therapy, the patient should be able to change disruptive or unhealthy behavior.
Interpersonal therapy focuses mainly on how patients interact with family and friends. This therapy is often used on a one-on-one basis as a way of addressing and treating depression. It’s based on the idea that a person’s way of communicating with others affects their moods and feelings, and improving communication skills might improve a person’s case of depression. On the other hand, family-focused therapy is mainly used in treating bipolar disorder. The therapy educates the patient’s family on their family member’s condition and informs them of ways to effectively handle or live with difficulties associated with the condition.
Residential Inpatient Personality Disorder Treatment Centers
Personality disorders tend to be chronic and often require long-term treatment. When the symptoms are severe or other physical or mental conditions are present, hospitalization inside a personality disorder facility could be required to treat the disorder. Residential or inpatient treatment centers can offer acute or long-term treatment program, depending on the type and severity of the personality disorder of the patient. Patients with borderline personality disorder, which make up about 6 percent of the US adult population, utilize inpatient treatment programs because of their inability to control and regulate their emotions and behaviors.
The Benefits of Residential Personality Treatment
Many people who have personality disorders require the care of skilled general psychiatrists and a disciplined staff due to their pervasive behavior and emotional problems. A residential treatment facility offers a supportive environment and 24-hour monitoring and medical care. The disorders also require complex handling, which can be managed immediately in an acute setting like a residential personality disorder facility.
Most residential centers also provide therapeutic communities (TC) where patients undergo a more intensive form of therapy. Participating in TCs requires a high level of commitment as well as a willingness to take part in group therapy and activities.
Luxury Personality Disorder Facilities
A luxury disorder center offers the same treatment as a standard residential facility, but often provides more amenities. Most luxury centers provide patients with personal staff and attendants as well as private rooms in posh settings. It isn’t surprising to find a luxury treatment center located in a highly secluded area where patients can relax and enjoy their stay without fear of their privacy being exposed.
A luxury center might emphasize the physical and emotional well-being of their patients. Most have fitness centers where one can take Pilates or yoga classes or have one-on-one sessions with physical fitness trainers.
Don’t hesitate to call us at to get help finding a luxury and private personality disorder center near your area.
Executive Personality Disorder Programs
An executive personality disorder treatment program focuses on people with personality disorders in the business and professional arena. The programs are designed to help patients cope with their condition as well as manage the stress acquired from a loaded workday. The patient who chooses to undertake an executive treatment program can enter a private facility in secrecy in order to keep the patient’s condition confidential.
Outpatient Personality Rehab and Treatment Programs
About 10 percent of outpatient admission involve borderline personality disorder. Outpatient treatment for personality disorders is recommended for people who don’t display disruptive and violent behavior because of their conditions. Outpatient care and treatment are similar to those provided in inpatient settings, but patients are required come for the recommended number of sessions for therapies and medications.
Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications
There are no FDA-approved medications for personality disorders, but antidepressants and other medications can be prescribed and taken to control the symptoms of the condition. These medications include:
- Antidepressants. These medications can be taken to control and suppress feelings of anger, hopelessness, impulsivity or irritability induced by personality disorder. Some of the most common antidepressants for controlling and managing personality disorder include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants.
- Antipsychotic medications. These medications are often prescribed for schizoid personality disorder or schizophrenia-related conditions. Antipsychotics are often prescribed to prevent recurring self-harm. They are also used if the patient is losing touch with reality (psychosis).
- Mood-stabilizing medications. These medications can reduce irritability, mood swings and impulsive behavior. They’ve been used in managing borderline personality disorder.
- Anti-anxiety medications. Benzodiazepines are taken to promote a sense of well-being in patients with personality disorders. They should be taken as prescribed by a doctor because they can cause drug tolerance and dependence.
Prescriptions medications are often used as temporary relief for personality disorder symptoms. They can be taken alongside therapies during an outpatient or inpatient treatment program. Always consult a doctor before taking or discontinuing any medication for personality disorder to prevent the occurrence of side effects. It is important to find help on treating personality disorder for you or your loved one. Call us today for more information.
How to Find the Best Personality Disorder Treatment Facility
It’s vital to undergo a thorough checkup with a physician and skilled general psychiatrist before entering a residential or outpatient treatment facility for personality disorders. Some disorders have overlapping symptoms, which can lead to misdiagnosis and improper therapy and medications. You can also call us at to learn about available personality disorder treatment options for your or your loved one’s type of personality disorder. Take the first step towards managing anxiety – start with an online anxiety quiz.