Psychosis Treatment Program Options

Psychosis is a condition that describes a situation where someone has lost touch with reality in one of several ways. This could include having delusions or hallucinations. People having an episode of psychosis may have false beliefs, or they might see, hear or feel things that are not there. Early intervention may prevent someone from hurting themselves or others and could stop a psychosis-related condition from worsening. If you or someone you know has developed symptoms of psychosis, you must seek help as soon as possible.

What Causes Psychosis?

There are several potential causes for psychosis, including some behaviors that are controllable as well as health problems that are not under your control. According to Medline Plus, the following may cause psychosis:

People who have certain personality disorders or who have schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or severe depression may also experience psychosis. The symptoms of psychosis could lessen with treatment for the mental health condition.

The use of certain drugs may cause psychotic episodes. According to NHS Choices, some of the substances known to be triggers for psychosis include:

Some experts think that there may be other causes based on observations of people with conditions that can cause psychosis, though these have not yet been established as certain causes. According to Mental Health Care, a vitamin D deficiency could contribute to psychosis symptoms. Other researchers suspect that changes to mitochondria could be related.

Is There a Cure for Psychosis?

There is no cure for psychosis, but there are many treatment options. In some cases where medication is to blame, ceasing the medication can stop the psychosis. In other instances, receiving treatment for an underlying condition may treat psychosis. This is another reason why getting help for treating psychosis is important: discovering a potentially life-threatening medical problem.

Some people may only need short-term treatment. Others may need long-term treatment with antipsychotic medication. A doctor might recommend psychological therapy or addiction counseling. It depends upon the cause of the psychosis.

Therapies for Psychosis

Therapies for psychosis include different types of psychotherapy, antipsychotic medication, mood stabilizers, substance abuse counseling, family therapy, and support from a group or therapist. If you are, or someone you care about is, experiencing symptoms of psychosis, call for assistance in identifying the correct treatment therapy.

Cognitive Therapy Treatments

Cognitive behavioral therapy looks at how people perceive situations and what causes them distress. By identifying patterns of thought that might trigger undesirable actions and feelings, cognitive behavioral therapy may be able to replace these with more helpful thoughts.

Cognitive therapy treatment is an effective form of treatment for schizophrenia and often paired with antipsychotic medication. It could, therefore, help someone experiencing psychosis. According to an article in Psychiatry, cognitive behavioral therapy is a standard treatment for schizophrenia in the United Kingdom and is becoming more popular in the United States as an adjunctive treatment. It may be helpful for other causes of psychosis, such as substance abuse and depression.

Other Therapeutic Methods

Cognitive behavioral therapy is only one type of therapy that a person with psychosis may need. You or a family member who may have experienced psychosis may benefit from attending family therapy. During family therapy, people meet informally to discuss other treatments being used for psychosis and how the affected individual is progressing. It is also a time when caretakers may ask for help with practical concerns. Caring for a person with a physical or mental disorder is stressful. Family therapy, therefore, seeks to both support people dealing with psychosis and their loved ones who are also affected.

You may find support at a self-help group as well. Individual counseling and attending meetings with people who are experiencing similar concerns can be beneficial. People with a substance abuse program may increase their chances of a successful recovery by attending meetings from support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. Complete abstinence from drugs and alcohol is useful if you’re recovering from substance abuse problems, and this is especially important for someone who has had an episode of psychosis after using drugs or alcohol because of the greater risk of harm. People with HIV may also find comfort from self-help groups where they can openly discuss their concerns and personal struggles.

Residential Inpatient Psychosis Treatment Centers

Some people with psychosis require inpatient care. Residential and inpatient psychosis treatment centers provide around-the-clock care for people who need more help than an outpatient program offers. If you are experiencing symptoms of psychosis, you may need to be hospitalized. This allows medical professionals to observe patients closely so they can make an accurate diagnosis. A residential facility may be the best place for someone who has a severe medical condition or whose condition has suddenly worsened. An inpatient facility may be a long-term solution for people who need a lot of help or a short-term option for others.

The Benefits of Residential Neurological Disorder Treatment

People with a neurological disorder often require a team to provide comprehensive treatment. A residential program can offer full-time support and a variety of professionals in one place to provide help. Just some of the medical professionals who may offer treatment at a residential center include a speech therapist, dietitian, audiologist, physical therapist, neurologist and internist.

At a residential facility, you have access to counseling and help with activities of daily living, including bathing, getting dressed and eating. People are on hand to offer support and exercise assistance. According to the Wexner Medical Center at the Ohio State University, a neurological rehabilitation program can help people regain independence, return to their homes and experience an improved quality of life.

Luxury Neurological Treatment Facilities

You may have an easier time receiving treatment for psychosis at a luxury neurological treatment facility. These facilities offer all the same core treatment options, such as behavioral therapy and drug therapy, but they also give patients more privacy, amenities and comfortable surroundings.

Executive Neurological Treatment Programs

Executive treatment programs cater to those who need to continue working while in treatment. Neurological treatment programs include a wide variety of therapies, such as speech therapy and exercise programs. Whatever you need, you can get with an executive neurological treatment program. These programs offer the highest possible standards of care.

Outpatient Psychosis Rehab and Treatment Programs

Some people may experience an acute case of psychosis or have a condition that can be managed at home. In these cases, an outpatient psychosis rehab and treatment program may work better than an inpatient program. The idea of moving into a residential facility may be overwhelming to you and unnecessary if you have the support to undergo an outpatient program.

People who are involved in outpatient care still receive access to doctors, therapists and other support staff. Instead of staying in a hospital or residential facility, they live at home and attend meetings and office visits, following a complete treatment schedule.

Outpatient treatment may follow an inpatient program. For example, a person with a substance abuse problem that caused a psychotic episode may go to an inpatient facility for detoxification and then possibly a different facility for rehabilitation. However, people may go home following time at a detox center and receive help as an outpatient. Determining whether an inpatient or outpatient facility is best requires a thorough assessment by trained professionals. If you suspect someone you know is experiencing psychosis, you may have an easier time convincing them to consider outpatient care, but the decision should not be made without speaking to a doctor or going to a treatment facility for evaluation.

People who are in an outpatient program usually need help at first. This could mean family members driving them to appointments, filling their prescriptions, and possibly observing their behavior to report back to doctors or therapists. Because outpatient treatment programs require more discipline and independence, they are usually only recommended for people with mild conditions who are not a danger to themselves or others.

Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications

Many people with psychosis benefit from antipsychotic medication. These may be given orally or by injection. These drugs are usually the first course of treatment advised for people with psychosis. These medications block the effects of the hormone dopamine. The benefits of antipsychotics include:

Some people may experience benefits within a matter of hours, but it can often take days or weeks before people have fewer delusions or hallucinations.

Antipsychotics do not work for everyone. You may respond well to them, or they may not help you. It depends on the person and the cause of psychosis. People who have epilepsy or heart disease may need to be monitored by a medical professional if they take antipsychotics.

Some people need only take these drugs for a short while until their symptoms go away. People who have conditions like schizophrenia may need to take medications for the rest of their lives to manage their conditions.

These medications are not without side effects. Some of the possible side effects include:

Long-term use may cause some people to gain weight or develop diabetes. Side effects should be discussed with a primary care physician.

Some examples of antipsychotic medications include aripiprazole, ziprasidone, risperidone and asenapine, among others. Side effects may vary for different medications, according to WebMD. If one type of medication is not working well for you, discuss this with your doctor, because another one could work better.

How to Find the Best Psychosis Treatment Facility

The ideal psychosis treatment facility is one that matches your needs and has a proven track record of dealing with your particular situation. The range of possible causes may make finding the best psychosis facility a challenge, but getting help as quickly as possible is paramount to protecting yourself and getting the symptoms of psychotic disorder under control.

Unlike a dentist or general practitioner, you can’t just ask your friends for a referral to a facility. The solution to the question of how to find the best psychosis treatment facility is to ask people who are knowledgeable about the different causes for psychosis and the programs that match the needs of people with these various conditions. We are here to help. Please call if you or someone you know needs help finding the best facility. Get a clear picture of your mental health with an easy-to-use mental health test.