Mood Disorder Treatment Program Options

Everyone experiences emotional ups and downs. Life is fraught with people and situations that lead to irritability, agitation and moodiness. A healthy individual will rebound and find emotional balance.

If you struggle to find that balance, or if your attitude and emotional state are incongruent with your current circumstances, you might be suffering from a mood disorder. As many as one in 10 adults suffer from mood disorders, but effective treatments involving mental health counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, medication and lifestyle alteration are available.

What Causes Mood Disorders?

Mood disorders take many forms and may include:

The primary cause of mood disorders appears to lie in an imbalance of brain chemicals that affect mood. Noradrenaline and serotonin irregularities are linked to depression and bipolar issues. Disruptions in dopamine production can result in severe disorders including psychosis and schizophrenia.

Researchers also believe there’s a strong genetic component to mood disorders. Bipolar disorders, in particular, appear to run in families.

Is There a Cure for a Mood Disorder?

Mood disorders can be treated effectively. There are a number of factors you and your doctor should use to determine the best approach. Considerations include:

Family and friends can play a supporting role in your treatment, but it is vital that you receive the dedicated care of a qualified mental health professional. To learn more about treatment methods, call .

Therapies for Mood Disorders

Your doctor will likely employ a combination of techniques to treat you for your mood disorder. Depending upon your case specifics, these strategies are likely to include psychotherapy, antidepressant drugs, family therapy and holistic lifestyle programs.

The goal of your therapy is to help you come to grips with your underlying mental issues, restore proper brain chemistry and find ways you can alleviate stress in your day-to-day life. Both inpatient and outpatient treatment options are available, depending upon the severity of your condition and your physical circumstances.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment

Most likely your therapist will employ cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This treatment combines established cognitive and behavioral theories into one method that focuses on your actions and behaviors. You’ll learn to recognize distorted or self-defeating thought patterns, and then actively work to replace them with healthier beliefs.

With the help of a therapist, the patient is able to uncover unhealthy, negative beliefs and patterns such as:

People with mood disorders often believe they have to live up to some sort of invented standards to fit in or receive the approval of others. CBT can help overcome that mistaken fear. Have you worried that you can’t live well unless you are successful, liked and appreciated? If so, cognitive behavioral therapy can help you.

This type of approach is particularly effective for depression. If your mood disorder is manifesting as low-level depressive behavior, it’s possible that CBT is the only treatment you’ll need to correct your symptoms. CBT is also effective in cases of anxiety where the treatment can help to teach the patient to better cope with life’s difficult circumstances. Bipolar disorder generally requires treatment with medication, but CBT can serve as an adjunct to drug protocols. Studies involving children and teens have shown that bipolar disorder can be effectively moderated with cognitive behavioral therapy.

Ultimately, CBT is effective at teaching the patient that their current patterns of belief are not only inaccurate but also harmful.

Medically Assisted Treatment

Severe mood disorders, including bipolar disorder, must be treated with medication. In some cases the doctor may have patients hospitalized, particularly if they experience dangerous or psychotic behaviors. Mood-stabilizing and antipsychotic drugs are often prescribed to quickly moderate symptoms. Electrical brain stimulation may also be used if mood disorder symptoms are extreme or dangerous.

Other Therapeutic Methods

Drugs and psychotherapy are not the only tools for helping someone with a mood disorder. Other therapeutic methods include medical procedures and alternative products and therapies.

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) uses electrical stimulation of the brain to help patients who experience major depression or suicidal thoughts. Modern protocols are safer and more effective than those used in the past.

Natural supplements including St. John’s wort, omega-3 fatty acids and s-adenosylmethionine have been shown to improve mood, stabilize emotions and lessen anxiety in many patients. A key benefit to these substances is that they are generally thought to be safe to use and free of major side effects.

Various alternative health practices such as meditation, deep-breathing exercises, acupuncture, yoga and qi-gong are often employed to help a patient become more calm, focused and mentally balanced. These types of activities are lifestyle-based, and that may be why patients who take part are far less likely to suffer from mood disorder relapses.

Residential Inpatient Mood Disorder Treatment Centers

If your mood disorder symptoms are serious, you may benefit from a stay in a residential or inpatient mood disorder treatment center. You’ll receive 24/7 residential care from trained medical health staff members, morning and night, for as long as it takes to restore your emotional balance.

To learn more about residential centers and treatment options, contact us at .

The Benefits of Residential Mood Treatments

The primary benefit of residential mood disorder treatment is that you’ll be removed from external circumstances and influences. In the event of severe depression, bipolar disorder or psychosis, a medical setting may be necessary to ensure your safety as well as the safety of those around you.

Further, you’ll receive regular care from trained physicians who have worked with you intimately and understand your particular needs and issues. Your doctor will be versed in all appropriate psychological and drug therapies. If you are interested in alternative medicines and support programs, you can select a residential center that offers those specialties.

Luxury Mood Disorder Facilities

Luxury mood disorder facilities offer greater comfort and more amenities to their patients. Treatments are often more progressive, and the sumptuous environments are likely to help improve your mood and attitude. Luxury facilities often offer gourmet food, massage, exotic activities and spa treatments.

Executive Mood Disorder Programs

People from all walks of life suffer from mood disorders. The many demands placed upon corporate executives, physicians and professionals can often lead to anxiety and depression.

Executive mood disorder programs and facilities are specifically designed to care for the needs of executives and working professionals. These programs offer discretion and focus upon the underlying causes of the executive’s mood disorder.

Outpatient Mood Disorder Rehab and Treatment Programs

Outpatient treatment programs are indicated if your mood disorder is less severe or if your life circumstances make it impossible for you to remove yourself from daily responsibilities. Outpatient facilities are also a good choice if you’ve already gone through more intensive therapy and are in need of ongoing maintenance and assistance.

Benefits of outpatient programs generally include lower program costs, less time commitment and less invasive protocols. Supportive family and friends are vital since you’ll have to deal with the real world while you are healing.

Outpatient facilities are not suitable if you are suffering from severe bipolar disorder or acute mania.

Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications

It is possible your physician will augment psychological counseling with supportive medication. The typical medications that are prescribed for mood disorders include:

Anticonvulsant drugs stabilize your mood chemically. Depakene, Depakote, Lamictal and Stavor are most commonly prescribed in this class. Saphris can be helpful in treating mixed episodes where you are experiencing a variety of symptoms. Lithium is also effective at stabilizing your mood and helping to break the pattern of extreme emotional highs and lows that characterize bipolar disorder.

More serious mania and psychotic behavior are treated with antipsychotic drugs such as Abilify, Zyprexa, Risperdal and Seroquel. These medications can also help people who don’t get results from anticonvulsants.

Antidepressants are useful but can trigger manic episodes in some patients. Symbyax combines an antidepressant with an antipsychotic to deal with combined mood disorder symptoms. Benzodiazepines, such as Valium, are usually prescribed to relax a patient and improve sleep. All medications carry risks of side effects and require communication and monitoring by a qualified mental health practitioner.

Naturally derived supplements may be used instead of, or as a complement to, prescription medications. There are a number of popular products including:

St John’s wort is an herb that has been used for many centuries to help with mood, appetite and sleep troubles. Valerian and Primal Calm are also herbal extracts that may reduce stress and promote a balanced emotional state. Passionflower is ground up into tea or tablets, and it is used to deal with insomnia, anxiety-related digestive upsets and symptoms of narcotic withdrawal. Chamomile makes a delicious tea and supports feelings of calm and relaxation.

Your mental health practitioner can help you determine the right combination of prescription drugs or supplements that can help fight your mood disorder symptoms.

How to Find the Best Mood Disorder Treatment Facility

In most cases, your mood disorder symptoms will not improve unless you take action. When you are ready to take control of your mental health, you need to find help on treating mood disorder to address your situation. Don’t let depression go undiagnosed – take a depression quiz now.

The type and severity of your mood disorder symptoms will dictate whether you should choose an inpatient or outpatient program. Whichever route you select, make sure to talk to the treatment staff in advance. Ask questions, express concerns and make sure you understand how things are going to work.

We can answer all your questions about mood disorder treatment facilities. Call us at to discuss your specific issues and needs.